Gouged, scraped and skewed feather blank

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I did mine pretty much the same way and it looked just like what you did. I think it works great, better safe than sorry.
Looks great. I've never used round nose scraper. I may need one of those. The brush idea is good too. I've been just quickly grabbing the ribbons with the lathe on. I guess I'm lucky I still have all my fingers.
Looks great. I've never used round nose scraper. I may need one of those. The brush idea is good too. I've been just quickly grabbing the ribbons with the lathe on. I guess I'm lucky I still have all my fingers.

If just ONE of your fingers gets pinched between the turning blank and the tool rest, you will find another way!!!! DAMHIKT!!!!!!!!!!
LOL... I didn't know you could turn resin with anything other than a skew, ED! I knew other people could, just didn't know YOU could. LOL :)

The only new comment I can think of is you may want to mention what speed your lathe is running at... Not all who watch the video may know that (unless you mentioned it and my brain missed it).
LOL... I didn't know you could turn resin with anything other than a skew, ED! I knew other people could, just didn't know YOU could. LOL :)

The only new comment I can think of is you may want to mention what speed your lathe is running at... Not all who watch the video may know that (unless you mentioned it and my brain missed it).

Beat me to it ... I was going to suggest the same thing. :biggrin:

Just out of curiousity, what lathe is that your using?
It's an OLD Delta lathe, movin' along at it's top speed (2400ish)

It don't move quick, I don't move quick--we get along.
I Like it! I enjoy all of your videos Ed. Being a self taught turner, its nice to see how others do it and how I can improve. That blank wasn't half bad either. ;) lol
Actually John, I think we are all "self-taught"!! I have been fortunate to have seen a couple demonstrations by Dick Sing and Richard Raffan, but my actual turning style is "self-developed".
Great Vid Ed! Just have a question for you though. Before you cut the 2 minutes our and you were using the skew, were you doing a push cut? (think that's what it's called). I was seeing some flex in the mandrel is why I'm asking. After the cut in the video, it looked like you were doing a different cut/angle with the skew.
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