Gold Veined Black Dodecagram

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Passed Away Mar 22, 2022
In Memoriam
Oct 19, 2006
In a Skip in Wales
Don't worry, I had to look it up too.... a Dodecagram is a 12 pointed star.:wink:

Made sort of Panachesque shaped with bits from a Baron ( I think )

The resin is one of my own mixes.

Star points cut with the router, as usual. Hope you like. :biggrin:

Edit; Just added the rear view that shows the veins a bit better.:wink:


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I like that !! ... Do you have a jig to mount your router on your lathe ? I would appreciate a photo of that ... or however else you may have achieved this interesting result ... please !
Mal, here's a couple of pics that show how I cut them. I'll see if I can find one of my old threads that show the mounting arm for the router and post a link.
1. Glue a short off cut to the blank. This is the sacrificial piece that helps when you need to make a closed ended pen from one blank.
2. Turn the taper. The tubes are already in.
3 & 4 Set up the router at 45 deg and on the lathe centre line.
5. Index the cuts and trim the off-cut off. :biggrin:

Edit; Here's a link to the holder and other bits I use


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Magnificent work Steven, as is your usual. This one has me wondering what goes on in your mind. (Maybe should not go there???) I will anyhow.

Did you just wake up one morning, saying to yourself:"I must go look up the name for a 12 pointed star, then make such a star into a pen."?

Inquiring mind wants to know!:confused::eek:
LOL Steve, I'm not that bonkers.......well in my opinion anyway.:biggrin:

I originally had just six points but I couldn't get them to come to a point at the back of the blanks without going with a far deeper cut. My index ring on my ML only has 12 indents so that's why 12 points.:biggrin:

I knew that a 12 pointed star would have a name, and just looked it up for interests sake. :wink:
JUST ONCE............SKIP, Make a video and post it while you are making these pens.
I am willing to bet that you would get so many hits, that it would make the national news here.

My God man.........You don't sell these creations? That is what is sick.

(I wish I had your skills........and so do many others)
It is always interesting to see what comes out of your imagination. When I make it over the pond in your area I would like to spend a hour or 2 drooling over your collection and asking questions.

Great looking pen Skip. Really like the blank you used as well. I could probably copy it if I had the equipment and the time left to learn how to use it but at 68 I don't have enough time left. There is no way I could dream it up on my own. Enjoy seeing all your creations.
Great looking pen Skip. Really like the blank you used as well. I could probably copy it if I had the equipment and the time left to learn how to use it but at 68 I don't have enough time left. There is no way I could dream it up on my own. Enjoy seeing all your creations.

Hey Rick, You don't think you can learn it in the next 30 years that you have left? :biggrin: My grandfather always said he still had another 25 years to go.......he never stopped. My father kind of gave up the last 6 months he lived. Until then, always learning new things.

I am willing to bet that if you started looking into how to do this, you could do something just as wonderful. Try it........what have you go to loose? :wink:
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