Giving, selling, and karma.

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Apr 17, 2011
toronto, ontario, canada.
So having not sold a pen since last Christmas I was getting very discouraged and depressed. Now in my defense I haven't been pushing anything, really haven't been in the mood (too much going on at home) so a few months ago I decided to just start giving some away. I gave one away in the summer and enjoyed it so a few weeks ago I simply packed up 2 pens and sent them to 2 family members. (my wife's aunts) Then a friend asked if I could donate a pen for a fundraising auction, so I do. well with in a few days a coworker committed to buying a pen he had been asking about, then a cousin of my wife's calls me and buys a pen for her dad for Christmas and a chalk holder for a friend. Then another friend messages me and wants a pen for her friend (a cheepo, but a sale all the same)

So I guess karma truly does exist.
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Word of mouth will generate sales almost as well as direct sales effort.
Everyday I'm vertical is a great day
I find pens make terrific gifts and quite often a gifted pen ends up resulting in future sales. For some reason, people are more willing to show off a pen that has been given to them as a gift than one that they purchased. Perhaps it's because it feels less like bragging and more about sharing. Either way, I've sold quite a few pens by gifting pens to friends and family members.

Jim Smith
I must be wierd because I kind of like the feel of someone parting with their hard earned money for something I made more than just a thank you for the gift! Actually the people I know who buy them from me remind me how much they love them every time I see them.
I have people that I gave pens to 3 or 4 years ago who tell me every time they see me how much they treasure the pen. Other's it's ho-hum
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