Gawd I despise wrapping gifts.

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I agree with Sharon. Got SWMBO a dozen gifts. Bought a dozen eggs and wrapped each one individually. Won't she be surprised!
Brian, a group of chimpanzees is called a congress. That's true!

I respectfully disagree. Troop is correct.

A gatheing of pen turners most likely would be called a disagreement. That, or a cantankerous. :biggrin:
What is your aversion to gift bags? Have you not seen the beautifully designed ones you can get and at a cost much higher than some gift wraps? - with white, red, green or designer tissue paper on top? We have had an office party every year since I started working back in the states and out of 30 -35 gifts each year, 3/4 are Gift Bags with Christmas colored tissue paper. Very attractive and better looking than most of the wrapped boxes. Last week, several people made over the designer tissue paper from one gift bag. They actually liked that and the bag more than the gift.

When I was in Japan, they would cover a box in beautifully wrapped box, put a nice bow on it and put in a very nice gift bag then put the gift bag in an outer bag to protect the gift bag! The presentation was every bit as important as the gift! :biggrin: I used to be able to wrap gifts in that manner but lost my touch.
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I'm not averse to gift bags. Let's just say they don't quite measure up to expectations, and leave it at that. No lumps of coal in this guy's stocking, no siree.
Our traditional gift wrapping consists of the plastic/paper bag the thing came in and not so careful rolling of the top.

I thought it was a congress of baboons.

I became rather proficient at wrapping boxes back in 1973 when I worked at Malley's candy store. (I'm sure Jeff knows of the place because I grew up in a neighboring suburb).

Anyway, around Christmas time, they would let us work all the hours we wanted wrapping gift boxes of chocolates. I'll bet I wrapped over 1500 boxes that year. And if I remember correctly, I think the minimum wage was around $1.50 an hour. Bought my first car with that windfall, LOL

Want to wish everyone here, and their families a Very Merry Christmas. Be safe if you're travelling!

Some old guy said "Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without."

Got them done.... now I can retreat from the ledge.
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With just the two of us at home, there won't be anything to open on Christmas Morning, because we open them just as soon as Santa (AKA FedEx, UPS, Amazon, etc.) delivers them! Worse than kids!
I'm not averse to gift bags. Let's just say they don't quite measure up to expectations, and leave it at that. No lumps of coal in this guy's stocking, no siree. is a wise man!!!:biggrin:

How do you get Santa to leave you coal? Sure would beat cutting, splitting and stacking fire wood. I won't mention hauling up to the house!:bulgy-eyes:
I say use decorative gift bags. . They can be more attractive than the gift !

And if anyone gives you anything, you save the bags and reuse 'em next year.

It's like trading, like a PITH !!!
Like most here, I really dislike wrapping presents. I always tell my wife I'd rather donate a kidney than wrap presents. I just finished mine. Ended up with 6 boxes but should have probably been 10. I always combine like type things.

Hank, Back in my college days I was working on an International Business degree and we spent a lot of time studying the Japanese culture in a business relationship. Boy oh boy is that a very formal culture. We were told that when presenting a business card we were to bow very low and present the card with two hands. Glad I never had to go.
Did you know that you don't need to go out in the crappy crowds and buy stupid gift wrap. It costs an arm and a leg, if it has that metallic sheen to it, then it can't even be recycled. :mad:

In our house, we actually do like to recycle, re-use and repair.:wink: ( I ain't called Skiprat for nothin' :tongue: )

First trick is to have easily wrapped brick shaped gifts :biggrin:

But I'm pleased with the results of my latest brainwave....:biggrin: I used a few pages of an old road atlas.. And I carefully chose maps that included places that we have enjoyed visiting.

With Satnavs in just about every car, I reckon we all have an old street map book laying around. Kinda like the colour scheme effect too. :biggrin:

I just finished wrapping these in my cave for the LOML :)


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