Gathering Aug 23rd, 2014.

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Local Chapter Leader
Dec 15, 2006
Pleasanton, CA, USA.
Hey all, time to start planning our upcoming meeting.

Because of conflicts with Bay Area Woodturners' Association meeting (which affects around 1/2 our attendees), this meeting is going to be on the 4th weekend or the month rather than our normal 3rd weekend.

Unless someone else wants to host, we can do it at my house again.

Any ideas for subject material? Anyone have anything they want to demo?

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I could demonstrate threading. I took a class with Mike Mahoney and learned how to do it. He broke it down and made it very easy. I was afraid to attempt it and it is easy and only requires some practice. I would make practice pieces so take home to practice. I have made a hollow form with threaded lid and it came out quite nice.
August 23 meeting

I have you on my calendar for Saturday the 23rd. Threading sounds great to me, so thanks to Cindy for volunteering to demo. Should we all bring food again to have some lunch together?
Good Fun and Great Friends.
I'll be in Baltimore that weekend, sorry to miss the threading discussion as that's something I've wanted to try.

Have fun.

we are here for that one, so count us in. We're going offline until the 20th, so other than the ez up, sign us up for something. Brownies perhaps? It's been a while since I've made them.....:biggrin:
So we are on for next Saturday August 23rd. It will be at Greg's place. I am now putting out a list of needed foods. Please let me know what you will bring so there are no overlaps and I will check the list daily to keep everyone informed.
It would be nice if people came early to help set up and stay to help clean up.
I will start another thread to keep track of the food. The meeting will start at 11:00 and you can contact(PM) me or Greg for the address and directions if you don't know. them
Nice gathering

Thanks everyone for coming by. It was a lot of fun. And thanks to Cindy for the threading demo, I had no idea it was that easy! And thanks to many for helping with setup and clean up.

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I would like to thank everyone for their warm welcome yesterday. As a new member it is always a little daunting to join such a well established group but you could not have made me feel more welcome. Thank You.

I am looking forward to the next meeting and hopefully putting all the expert advice to good use. Thanks again

Thanks Greg and Kim for once again opening your home to us for the meeting. I had a great time and went away with some useful knowledge on threading. The demo was very good and the chance to try it was amazing. Thanks Cindy for doing the demo and setting it up so we could all have a chance to try it out. I personally look forward to trying it on some of my own projects in the future.
Thanks to everyone for the wonderful company and the fine delicacies we all shared in.
I am already looking forward to the next meeting.
Jason, if I remember right you brought the chips and salsa? If so, we have your chip-bag clip.

I also scored a really nice black, folding camp chair. If it is yours let me know (and remind me to bring it to the next gathering).
Great Meeting!


Thank you for letting us meet at your home, I had a great time. We had a good turn out, maybe a dozen people. Looking forward to the next one.

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