Gas prices...WHY???

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Apr 14, 2005
Austin, TX, USA.
Why is there so much price disparity?

Last Friday I gassed up here is San Antonio at $2.599/gal, I drive down south and Valero stations in Three Rivers are the same at $2.599 though their refinery is just accross the street.

I reach Edinburg, Texas (about 240 miles from San San Antonio, 180 from Three Rivers) and the prices are at $2.199!!! It stayed like that all weekend too!

California fuel cost used to be approx 25% more than ours but last I talked to my sister she said the prices are almost the same as Texas now...since the lawsuit of gouging came about.

I am a believer of supply and demand etc...but can't WE do anything about this?????? Do we need to launch more gouging lawsuit for the prices to be "fair" again?

Prices are for 87 octane (Regular Unleaded).
Most I've seen add $0.10 for 89 octane and another $0.10 for the 92/93 octane (Premium or Super unleaded).
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Here in McKinney, TX I'm paying from $2.49-$2.85 depending on the street corner and the day of the week. The daily price changes is becoming a joke.
In Connecticut, I paid $2.519 for regular unleaded yesterday 10/23/05.
$2.43/gallon here near Chicago and more in Illinois and Chicago. And here's the part that doesn't make sense. We have to use "reformulated" gas in this area to reduce pollution. The refineries here can't make it, so we get it from the BP refineries in Texas, while the BP refinery here sends it's gas to Texas. The refinery here is now on a scheduled maintenance downtime for a few weeks. You'd think that after the hurricanes hit they would have rescheduled things. Personally I think it's all a bunch of BS to increase profits.
In the UK it is approx £5 GBP per gallon of petrol, thats around $8.83 USD.
We too have variations in prices depending on what part of the country you are in.[:(!][:0][:)]
Here in Columbia, MD, the Mobil by me is at $2.69/gal, while in Baltimore, I paid $2.47/gal. The difference is that Columbia prices are gauged by the Washington, DC market, not the Baltimore market.

Kol Tov,
Friday $2.79 per gallon reg
I have a question that I wish someone could answer.
Recently there was a big Deal over ANWAR,the oil reserves in Alaska.
Now if my memory serves me right didn't we build a pipeline in Alaska about 20 years ago.
I have no problem with the Anwar reserves but shouldn't they use the Alaskan oil in the U.S.?
Oh yeah, another thought.
I support our involvement in Iraq whole heaartedly, but I do recall there was talk about them paying us back for rebuilding the infrastructure.
Now I don't want to turn this into a war for oil thing as I do not believe that is the case.
I just think that if they are going to pay us back that we should get the right to determine the currency.
Since there is a enough sand in this coutry already I suggest we use oil as the currency of choice.
All we need to do is present them with a bill and they pay it.In oil.
Seems pretty simple to me.
Prices here in Western MD went from $2.79 on Wednesday to $2.39 on Sunday... go figure... we hit a high of $3.59... last year this time we were at about $2.59. We always get a winter increase because of some kind of winter additive they "supposedly" put in our gas to make the cars run better... can't prove it by me...
We have no pipeline to supply us in the Florida panhandle, all of it comes by barge and then trucked. After Katrina we were just plain cut off for weeks, and many people had to just park their vehicles. I had some reserve I had stored for our generator that we luckily did not need (this time), so we conserved and made it through. What little the stations did get came all the way by truck from somewhere and prices for reg. got up over $4.50 if you could even find it. The barges are going again so the prices here were down to about $2.45 yesterday and dropping still I think. We have among the highest gax taxes in the nation but remember we have no state sales tax, so this is cheaper than I thought I would ever see. I was laughing with my students that to them the "good ol' days" will be when gas was $2.00 per gallon. [}:)] I didn't even mention what I paid for it when I started driving, they would think I was lying or I put it in my covered wagon. [8D]
Here in Idaho I filled up last at $2.75 a gallon, and right now the station across from my office has it for $2.77. Seeing Mark's post above about the price of gas in Scotland, it just makes me sick, because that could happen to us! And reading Eagle's post, I can't help but think that both we and our friends in the UK have plenty of sand already!

How I miss 1998...when I just got here (San Antonio, TX) I still caught $0.79/gallon (yep 79 cents) prices...seems like it wasn't that far back.
Originally posted by Dario
<br />How I miss 1998...when I just got here (San Antonio, TX) I still caught $0.79/gallon (yep 79 cents) prices...seems like it wasn't that far back.

I can remember about 3 years ago gas dipped from $1.159 a gallon to $ .999

Oh, how times have changed.
Originally posted by Dario
<br />How I miss 1998...when I just got here (San Antonio, TX) I still caught $0.79/gallon (yep 79 cents) prices...seems like it wasn't that far back.
Back in the late 60's when I still lived in the Bronx, NY, I remember the local gas wars. Prices for Super Shell and Sunoco HiTest would sometimes be as low as $.20/gallon....
It was a good time to own a muscle car.. [:D][:D][:D]
Then I got home from the service and the "Gas Shortage" came and it was all I could do to get 5-10 gallons a gas 3 times a week, if I felt like waiting in line for over an hour each time... did not go very far in my Charger RT with a 426Hemi... [:(][:(][:(]
Dario, I just filled up at $2.259 and it wasn't one of those econofuel places... Shell of all things! I don't get it! Our gas is always much higher than yours, but the threat of price gouging charges may have calmed things down a bit up here. It got pretty bad right after Katrina.
Originally posted by Old Griz
Back in the late 60's when I still lived in the Bronx, NY, I remember the local gas wars. Prices for Super Shell and Sunoco HiTest would sometimes be as low as $.20/gallon....


You forgot to mention you got a stylish glass for FREE with your purchase, handed to you by the ATTENDANT that filled YOUR tank.

Cue the music, "memories, memories......"[:D]
Wow, I guess I should stop complaining about gas prices. We are down to 2.18 a gallon. Has been dropping a couple of cents every day for a couple of weeks now.

You forgot to mention you got a stylish glass for FREE with your purchase, handed to you by the ATTENDANT that filled YOUR tank.
And cleaned your windows, checked your oil and tires too!
I was one of those guys making .65/hour and pumping Conoco Conotane for .28.9 in 1970.
Originally posted by BogBean
<br />On Drudge this morning: BP Reports 3rd-Quarter Profit Up 34 Pct.
And who exactly would be surprised by this? [;)] I don't begrudge anyone making a living, or even a reasonable profit, but I emphasize "REASONABLE". Remember, profit is AFTER overhead and all other expenses and I find this unconscionable. Let's do a little math... it costs me (and others, I'm quite sure) about twice as much to get back and forth to work as it did a year ago. That's about $300/month... MORE. My paycheck didn't go up that much... not nearly that much. And they say our inflation rate is only a few percentage points. HUMBUG! Yeah, maybe in the grand scheme of things, but $300/month is a big chunk out of anyone's paycheck! [:(!][:(!] Ok, I'll get off my soap box now.
LOL...I probably got just that much ($300.00) increase in 8 years!!! I'm laughing but I really feel like this [V] and this [:(!][xx(].

The increase I got over the past 8 years is LESS than the increase in my benefits employees share so I am actually taking home LESS now than 8 years ago [:(!][:(!]

Oh...I use about 120 gallons a month...because I drive so much so this really hurts.
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