Found the pen I want in Stylus

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Jul 29, 2005
North Las Vegas, NV
So I was browsing the 2006 Stylus Pen Annual (thanks Anthony) and found the pen I want to buy- it's the beauty on page 115 that can be had for the low, low price of $75,000! [:0][:0][:0] Anybody want in on a group buy? I figure that with a group buy, they might lower the price to something like $70,000. At that kind of price, who on here wouldn't get one? Heck, if they lower it to $65,000, I'll get two- one for work and one for home. Now, it's a limited edition of only three, so anyone who wants in on this, let me know ASAP before they all get snatched up! [}:)];)[}:)];)
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Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />Angela, go ahead and get me one when you buy. Trust me, I'll get the money [:D][}:)][:D]



The last line cracked me up!!! Yep, this need to be clarified as a joke...JUST IN CASE. LOL [}:)]
Did you guys notice the thread (for the cap) on most of those expensive FP's? Looks like it is only one twist!

Jeff...I am not sure if it is okay to take a pic of those and post here. Anybody have thoughts about possible copyright violation by doing it?
Well darn, I didn't know there was one more expensive than the one I found- I was trying to find the one I could spend the most money on! But if I get the $130,000 one, I guess I'll have to definitely cut it back to only getting one. So that means no group buy and no discount for me. [V][:(!]

William, I'll be sure to ask them if maybe they can squeeze another one out of production and tell them you'd like one of those- or do you still want to stick with the lowly $75,000 pen? It just doesn't seem that special anymore and just doesn't do anything for me now! [:D]
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