First "Toni" style pens

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Papa Bear

Nov 2, 2008
I thought I would try to make some PC pens,so I ordered a couple of canes from Toni and read her tutorial about 10 times and gave it a try.I just had a knee replacement and can't go outside to play yet but could do these sitting at the kitchen table!I think they came out pretty good,the slim line was dry sanded with mm and buffed,the pill holder has a CA finish that turned out ok and the baron just has a couple coats of spray enamel.Thanks for looking,any comments are welcome,good or bad!
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You really can't go wrong with anything from Toni. Her tubes are pure quality and a thing of beauty. You've done a great job fitting these!
You really can't go wrong with anything from Toni. Her tubes are pure quality and a thing of beauty. You've done a great job fitting these!

Actually Tim ... He did these from CANES not tubes!!

Gary that VERY VERY impressive for a first try. I couldn't even post my first try! (Darn now that I think about it it would have been great for the "ugly pen" contest if I had assembled it).

Keep up the good work Gary!!!
Thanks for all the great comments,and yes I did the tubes myself but couldn't have done it without Toni's tutorial and the wonderful canes.I would like to thank her very much for the help and showing a great new style of making pens that I find fun and exciting to make!
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