First Olive

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Oct 16, 2006
Hauppauge, NY.
Here is the picture of my first Olive Wood pen. The kit is Titantium Gold from Arizona Silhouette and a CA finish. Ok, let the newbie have it.

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Next time, resize the image...should be about 640 pixels wide to make most people happy. At its current size, it's too big to see well. I'm competent with a camera, but I don't know all of my camera's settings yet. If you're good with the camera's settings, shooting on an angle like you did, but tweaking some of the other settings, will allow you to get a picture with a nice depth of field. However, if you're not careful, you'll have focus problems like you can see near the tip on your pen. If you switch the orientation so it's all in a single plane that is perpendicular to the camera, then everything should be nicely in focus.
I dont dig B2B cigars, but that's personal prefrence. As far as olivewood goes, that's not a very figured piece, but they cant all be. Unfortunatly, I cant see any finish on the pen with that pic. The pic has a lot of perspective in it, dont point the pen at the camera, and if you have to, then bring the camera back a foot or two then zoom in. Make sure to be in macro mode. I think that helps getting the distortion off my pics.

Sorry man, not many goods in my reply, but I think with a better pic it'll look like a different pen.
No worries Skye, I appreciate the feedback. Negative comments don't bother me, especially when you folks take the time to try and help by making recommendations. I want to get my pictures to the level of what I've seen on this forum!!!
Really sucky evidently. Here is my setup:

1) Cardboard lightbox (plan taken off the Internet). I used one of the boxes that the reems of paper come in at work. I think it's like 12 x 17. I cut large openings on each side and the top and taped tissue paper over them. The front is open.

2) I have two of those aluminum painting lights I usually clip on the table and shine them through the tissue paper on each side.

3) I have a halogen desk lamp that I point in from the front just above the camera.

4) I have two cameras an Olympus C4000 (4 mp) and a Canon SD 550 (7 mp). The Olympus allows me to control F-stop, exposure, etc. The Canon is also a point and shoot but with a lot less control. Each has a macro function which I use. I thought the Canon would be better b/c it's 7 mp but is 4 mp enough for great macro photos?

5) I have a table top tripod and a standard one. I've tried both.

6) I always shoot without the flash and a timer to get rid of camera shake issues.

Any help you can give Skye or anyone else I'm all ears or should I say eyes!!!!

I love the perspective from slightly above, but I can't seem to get the whole pen in focus. Is is b/c the pen is not straight to the lens and is actually angled towards or away from the camera? If I made sure the whole pen was the same distance from the lens (in other words parallel to the lens) would the whole pen be in focus?

Thanks in advance.
Well, I'm not really one to ask about photos. Mine look pretty decent but it's total luck as the corner of my desk at work just happens to have really good lighting.

A few things about lighting, I'd lose the flash. That'll cause direct lighting which is bad. I tink it also causes the camera to overadjust for it's flash, ruining the what-you-see-is-what-you-get of the photo. Go and get some cheap sections of thin PVC pipe and make a framework box, drape a white sheet over it and shine the lights through it. I think that's how most lightboxes work. In the photo section of this forum there's a bunch of great info but I've not read much of it yet.

Focus, it depends. If you're too close to the pen while it's paralell to the camera it'll focus on the centerband but both tips will be out of focus. I try to keep the camera kind of far from the pen but zoom in to get the shot. Make sure you use the <b>macro</b> setting. Most cameras have it as a little tulip looking flower.

Dont be afraid to let the light dictate how the pen rests. Look at it from about where the camera will be set up. Adjust the pen so it catches the best light, complements the finish. Then, put the camera about where your head was to catch the came angle of reflection.

Oh, and just because everyone says to use a lightbox, dont get too sidetracked by that. I dont use one here at work and it's fine without it. At home, the lighting is terrible so I'd need one. Dont shoot yourself in the foot by doing things you may not need to do.

Just throwing random thoughts out there. Hope you can do something with them, lol
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