First official meeting

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Passed Away July 17, 2022
In Memoriam
Oct 19, 2009
Louisville, KY
Well fella's looks like we're going to meet at Tom's house Sat. Dec. 5th at 10:00 a.m. I'll get everyone directions. Gerry I know you can't make it due to a show, but will look forward to meeting up after the new year. Gary Max may also have a show that day, but will have to find out when it gets closer. But that still leaves Todd, Tom, Dan and Me (Possibly Todd's friend if he gets a hold of him). I know Tom will need some CA glue and possibly some blanks, so if you guys want to each bring wood to turn and if you have extra CA bring it. I have an extra bottle of Med Ca, and a bunch of Thin CA that I'll bring. That being said I'll holler at yall later:)
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Looks like Chasper might be able to get away long enough for the meeting. So looks like 6 or 7 of us. What do you guys like to drink? I'll pick up some soda's and bring em in a cooler. Or I can make a big ole jug of sweet tea.
I may be a little too far south to make it convenient to make a lot of meetings, but can I add my name to the membership... I'm about half way between Knoxville and Chattanooga on the east end of the state.. about 15 miles from the NC line.

I can't make Dec 5 since I have a show in Knoxville that date and every Saturday till Christmas..... May be able to make a couple of meetings in the spring... I'll have to bring my navigator with me... can't go off without her.

We're planning on making the Midwest Penturners Gathering in Champain/Urbana in April since that's where the grandkids live, so if you have a meeting scheduled on those dates, will miss also.
Would love for you to join the group. We will be having a few meetings closer to you. Those will be at Gary Max's place. He's pretty close to Tennessee. I also think I'm going to try and make the midwest penturner's show in Illinois.
I'm will have a pot of chili ready, and maybe some coffee if you want. Dress warm, remember my shop is in a two car, unheated garage (there will be heat, I hope :) ).
Hey Tom-----if I can get this order done and out of here in time we are coming up.
We are not doing a show for the next two weeks-----yipeeeeeee
I will bring blanks---do you need anything else---ie folding tables????
It looks promising, my wife is doing the show this weekend and I should be able to get away. What do you have lined up for the meeting? I could do a quick demo of something if you are interested. I've been doing a lot of wood dying lately, that might be interesting to someone.
It looks promising, my wife is doing the show this weekend and I should be able to get away. What do you have lined up for the meeting? I could do a quick demo of something if you are interested. I've been doing a lot of wood dying lately, that might be interesting to someone.

I don't know what Ernie has planned, and maybe I should let him answer this, but if someone wants to give a demo I see nothing wrong with it.
I agree 100%. Gerry, whatever you want to do is cool with me, as I have very limited experience. Just let us know what we'll need to bring for your demo. I'm planning on bringing my Coffee cup, Some Ca Glue, and hopefully my brain so I can absorb all this knowledge I'll be gaining from everyone. Also some blanks.
Brian, the more the merrier. Welcome aboard. I figured their more than a couple of us from KY that had an interest. Talk at ya later.
Me to Tom. Wanna put faces with voices. Don't know if I'll be able to sleep much tonight. Kinda anxious, kid in candy store thing.:biggrin:
Almost funny---not only is it cold here--it's snowing as well.
I am off to the shop and we are having our Thanksgiving meal today----hey you got to get it when you can.
You guys have fun at Tom's today and give Jean a hug for me.


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