First CA/BLO Finish

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Nov 11, 2009
Provo, Utah
I just finished up my first attempt and overall i think it turned out quite well. nice gloss, and an easy gloss to get from a couple minutes of sanding/buffing... i did have a couple problems, and i think you guys could help...

1. The edges of the sections didnt gloass up as much as the middles of the tube

2. When applying the CA, a couple times the towel grabbed a little bit and took off all the ca i had just applied, leaving a section of flat matte of the ca layer below. ( i was thinking could this have been because i didn't have enough glue on the rag?)

3. There were divets about the 3rd applications layer of ca that looked like micro worm lines, i fixed them by applying another coat of CA, but they could be seen a bit through the finish.

I was alternating fresh BLO, and thick CA from a new rag (Box o' Rags from Home Depot) in my shop that was about 65 degrees Fahrenheit. 500 Rpm on my jet mini lathe, 4 coats, and sanded at 4000 rpm with micro mesh sandpaper up to 3000 grit, then polished with an acrylic polish. any Problems with my procedure? Thanks!!!


Oct 14, 2009
Tenino, Washington
i keep it at 400rpm while applying and slowly turn it up all the way, though i have a variable speed knob.
also i apply a bit of ca(i use medium) and then rub that very briefly across the pen to prevent grabbing, then apply blo to the rag on the same place as the CA and then apply that, moving my hand quickly accross the pen while turning up the speed.
i use a different spot on the (paper) towel per coat, but always put the blo on the same place on the towel where i applied that coat's CA
hope this makes sense, and its also the way I do it, and is what works for me, might not work for you. i can lately however end with such a smoote coar that for a satin finish i can leave as is w/no sanding, and for gloss i skip all the way to 2,400mm and work my way up to 12k, following w/one step plastic polish
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