Finally !! one that is showable

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Jan 10, 2007
Canistota, SD USA
Well, this is the first that I felt turned out good enough for show. I know that click pens seem to be problematic; but as far as the works go, I am 3 for 3 with this particular kit.

It's a PSI Gemini kit with Stabilzed Oak


Sierra Black Ti/Ti Gold on acrylic... forgot to clean the fingerprints

I had a couple others but flaws showed more in the photos than could be seen with naked eye. Darned that camera, but showed were more practice is needed.

Most of my time is spent, digging through the enormous amounts of information available here. From techniques, to light boxes, to finishing, and more... the search function has served me well. Years ago I was told that you learn more when your mouth isn't moving. For me, the same goes for fingers typing on a keyboard vs hand on mouse and reading. Who knows, maybe in months/years to come, I might feel qualified to offer an opinion or two. There are many of you who have forgotten more about pen turning than I will ever know.... and I thank you for sharing that knowledge. For the time being, rather than being able to offer advice/comments, my only way of supporting forums such as these is by contributing financially to raffle and other fundraisers.
Good lookin' pens.
I'm still a noob and I tend to be pretty quick on the keyboard too. Which gave me a chance to mouse over to your website. I think we can expect great things from you. [:D]
Know what you mean about the camera -- I hate when it does that to me too.
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