February 1, 2016 Trivia Winners (and answer)!

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Jul 28, 2010
Vadnais Heights, MN
Hey all,

I hope yesterdays question wasn't too hard for you because if that was too hard, just wait a few days :eek:.

The IAP has over 20,000 members from around the World. How many members joined the IAP in 2015?
The correct answer is: 2362

There were 74 entries but only 27 people had the correct answer. After running the numbers through a random number generator, the winning numbers were #20 and #25.

#20 is rholiday (Robert Holiday)
#25 is JimB (Jim Byron)

The first winner to reply to this thread will get their choice of the two prizes.

The prizes for February 1, 2016 are:

Pen Kit #2 from Kallenshaan Woods $35.00
BOB #1 from Edohmann $25.00

If you did not get the answer right, don't worry. There might be few hard questions yet to come :befuddled:. Plus there are still 13 days of prizes left:biggrin:
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I wonder which one I added. I came up with 2363. I sorted by date joined, there were 13 and 10 of the first and last pages with 2015 join dates, and then 78 pages with 30. (78 * 30) + 13 + 10 = 2363.

Not making a wave, but wanting to know where I went wrong. :confused:
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My math...

First User: 18,464
Last User: 20,824

20,824 - 18,464 = 2,360

2,360 + first user of the year = 2,361

You don't add the last user of the year as well into the equation.

Can we have the official math?
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2362 is the number I got when searching after 2015-1-1 and before 2016-1-1, on the advanced member list search?

Assuming that's how it's defined?

Even though I incorrectly typed the number into my email entry!
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If you go to the member list and click on the Join Date column it will sort the entire list by Join Date. The first page with anyone from 2015 has 24 people, the last page has 28 (I may have that reversed) and then there are 77 full pages with 30 per page.

24 + 28 + (77 x 30) = 2362
You know that this site is the best anywhere when it grows by leaps and bounds............
Now if we could just get JimB to just jump over that square that sets the trap off, I would feel alot better.

You would think after these many years he would have learned by now.
Interesting. I did an advanced search for join date after 2014-12-31 and before 2016-01-01 and it gave me 2367. Not sure why those search criteria wouldn't provide the correct answer.


That's what I did at first, but I noticed that it included the 12/31/2014 join dates. I wonder if it goes by time, too. In other words, it considers 12:00 a.m. on 12/31/2014 as the starting point.

I'm still trying to account for the extra person my method found. Looks like Jim and I used the same approach, but had different counts. When I sorted by join date, I found 10 joiners of 30 on the first page, which was page 10. I found 13 joiners on the last page of 30, which was page 89. The the other 78 pages of 30 in between accounted for 2340. My math is 2340 + 10 + 13 = 2363.
Interesting. I did an advanced search for join date after 2014-12-31 and before 2016-01-01 and it gave me 2367. Not sure why those search criteria wouldn't provide the correct answer.


Interesting... I just did the same search as you did and it shows 2367, BUT, then I sorted the list by Join Date and on the first page there are 5 members listed with Join Dates on 12/31/14. I don't know why they would show.
Interesting. I did an advanced search for join date after 2014-12-31 and before 2016-01-01 and it gave me 2367. Not sure why those search criteria wouldn't provide the correct answer.


That's what I did at first, but I noticed that it included the 12/31/2014 join dates. I wonder if it goes by time, too. In other words, it considers 12:00 a.m. on 12/31/2014 as the starting point.

I'm still trying to account for the extra person my method found. Looks like Jim and I used the same approach, but had different counts. When I sorted by join date, I found 10 joiners of 30 on the first page, which was page 10. I found 13 joiners on the last page of 30, which was page 89. The the other 78 pages of 30 in between accounted for 2340. My math is 2340 + 10 + 13 = 2363.

Our numbers are different because when I did the sort I double clicked it reversing the order and making my pages different from yours.
You know that this site is the best anywhere when it grows by leaps and bounds............
Now if we could just get JimB to just jump over that square that sets the trap off, I would feel alot better.

You would think after these many years he would have learned by now.

I've been turning for 8 years and I just finally learned how to use a Skew without something funny happening 80% of the time.. What does that tell you about my learning curve:).
I reverse sorted, too.

Gaaah. . . I'm going to make some pens! :biggrin:

Somebody tell that extra person that I found to get lost.
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I wonder which one I added. I came up with 2363. I sorted by date joined, there were 13 and 10 of the first and last pages with 2015 join dates, and then 78 pages with 30. (78 * 30) + 13 + 10 = 2363.

Not making a wave, but wanting to know where I went wrong. :confused:

I did the same thing and got 2367. That is join date >12/31/2015 and <01/01/2016. :confused:
If you go to the member list and click on the Join Date column it will sort the entire list by Join Date. The first page with anyone from 2015 has 24 people, the last page has 28 (I may have that reversed) and then there are 77 full pages with 30 per page.

24 + 28 + (77 x 30) = 2362

Interesting, I also did it this way and came up with 2363.

It's also interesting how members computers sort the list. I used an
iPad yesterday and confirmed with my iPhone today:

MY Pg. 616 had 18 people who joined in 2015
MY Pg. 695 had 5 people who joined in 2015

That leaves ME with 78 pages of 30 people per page who joined in 2015 which is 2340.

18 + 5 + 2340 = 2363

I've gone over the numbers 4 times now and actually looked at each one of the 78 pages with 30 people each to make sure they indeed had 30 names of people who joined in 2015. Like someone else said who also came up with 2363 earlier, can someone explain how 2362 is the correct answer?
I wonder which one I added. I came up with 2363. I sorted by date joined, there were 13 and 10 of the first and last pages with 2015 join dates, and then 78 pages with 30. (78 * 30) + 13 + 10 = 2363.

Not making a wave, but wanting to know where I went wrong. :confused:

I knew there might be some controversy with this one but there are two ways I came up with my number.

1. Go to the Members List and do an Advanced Search. Then enter 2014-12-31 and 2016-01-01. Your search will come up with 2367. But then there is one more step. You need to sort the list by Date Joined. You can sort with 2014-12-31 being first. This will show that 5 of the 2367 members joined on 2014-12-31. Subtract 5 from 2367 and you'll get 2362.

2. Go to the Members List and do an Advanced Search. Then enter 2015-01-01 and 2016-01-01. This search will show 2362. You can verify that members who joined on 2015-01-01 and 2015-12-31 (and all those in between) are included in the 2362 just by sorting the list by Join Date.

Hopefully this clears up some of the confusion:)
If you go to the member list and click on the Join Date column it will sort the entire list by Join Date. The first page with anyone from 2015 has 24 people, the last page has 28 (I may have that reversed) and then there are 77 full pages with 30 per page.

24 + 28 + (77 x 30) = 2362

Interesting, I also did it this way and came up with 2363.

It's also interesting how members computers sort the list. I used an
iPad yesterday and confirmed with my iPhone today:

MY Pg. 616 had 18 people who joined in 2015
MY Pg. 695 had 5 people who joined in 2015

That leaves ME with 78 pages of 30 people per page who joined in 2015 which is 2340.

18 + 5 + 2340 = 2363

I've gone over the numbers 4 times now and actually looked at each one of the 78 pages with 30 people each to make sure they indeed had 30 names of people who joined in 2015. Like someone else said who also came up with 2363 earlier, can someone explain how 2362 is the correct answer?

I just did it on my iPad. Page 695 shows only 4 people who joined in 2015.
You know that this site is the best anywhere when it grows by leaps and bounds............
Now if we could just get JimB to just jump over that square that sets the trap off, I would feel alot better.

You would think after these many years he would have learned by now.

I've been turning for 8 years and I just finally learned how to use a Skew without something funny happening 80% of the time.. What does that tell you about my learning curve:).

Are you saying that you have to do something alot of times to get it right? Or that no matter how many times you do something you never learn?

Just interested for future sake.
Interesting. I did an advanced search for join date after 2014-12-31 and before 2016-01-01 and it gave me 2367. Not sure why those search criteria wouldn't provide the correct answer.

I did the same type of search and got 2352. (after 2015-01-01 and before 2015-12-31)

I re-did the search today and found that it excluded the 10 people that signed up on 12-31-2015

Interesting. I did an advanced search for join date after 2014-12-31 and before 2016-01-01 and it gave me 2367. Not sure why those search criteria wouldn't provide the correct answer.

I did the same type of search and got 2352. (after 2015-01-01 and before 2015-12-31)

I re-did the search today and found that it excluded the 10 people that signed up on 12-31-2015


That's what I originally did, thought I'd been really clever too!
You know that this site is the best anywhere when it grows by leaps and bounds............
Now if we could just get JimB to just jump over that square that sets the trap off, I would feel alot better.

You would think after these many years he would have learned by now.

I've been turning for 8 years and I just finally learned how to use a Skew without something funny happening 80% of the time.. What does that tell you about my learning curve:).

Are you saying that you have to do something alot of times to get it right? Or that no matter how many times you do something you never learn?

Just interested for future sake.
I'm going to go with doing it a lot of times to get it right. That sounds better than option 'B'!

To learn the skew I spent 6 hours in a very, very experienced turner's shop from the local turning club. He has been turning for 35 years. I spent a lot of time practicing what he was teaching me. He also helped me with my detail gouge technique, sharpening and honing.:)
If you go to the member list and click on the Join Date column it will sort the entire list by Join Date. The first page with anyone from 2015 has 24 people, the last page has 28 (I may have that reversed) and then there are 77 full pages with 30 per page.

24 + 28 + (77 x 30) = 2362

Interesting, I also did it this way and came up with 2363.

It's also interesting how members computers sort the list. I used an
iPad yesterday and confirmed with my iPhone today:

MY Pg. 616 had 18 people who joined in 2015
MY Pg. 695 had 5 people who joined in 2015

That leaves ME with 78 pages of 30 people per page who joined in 2015 which is 2340.

18 + 5 + 2340 = 2363

I've gone over the numbers 4 times now and actually looked at each one of the 78 pages with 30 people each to make sure they indeed had 30 names of people who joined in 2015. Like someone else said who also came up with 2363 earlier, can someone explain how 2362 is the correct answer?

I just did it on my iPad. Page 695 shows only 4 people who joined in 2015.

What was your total for this trivia question?
You know the old saying.."there's more than one way to skin a cat."

I went to the member list and clicked "join date" and it sorts from the first to join to the last. Found that on page 617, 19 people joined in 2015. After a little searching, I ended up on page 695 with the last 3 people to join in 2015. 78 pages in between with 30 people on a page equals 2,340 + 19 + 3 = 2,362
If you go to the member list and click on the Join Date column it will sort the entire list by Join Date. The first page with anyone from 2015 has 24 people, the last page has 28 (I may have that reversed) and then there are 77 full pages with 30 per page.

24 + 28 + (77 x 30) = 2362

Interesting, I also did it this way and came up with 2363.

It's also interesting how members computers sort the list. I used an
iPad yesterday and confirmed with my iPhone today:

MY Pg. 616 had 18 people who joined in 2015
MY Pg. 695 had 5 people who joined in 2015

That leaves ME with 78 pages of 30 people per page who joined in 2015 which is 2340.

18 + 5 + 2340 = 2363

I've gone over the numbers 4 times now and actually looked at each one of the 78 pages with 30 people each to make sure they indeed had 30 names of people who joined in 2015. Like someone else said who also came up with 2363 earlier, can someone explain how 2362 is the correct answer?

I just did it on my iPad. Page 695 shows only 4 people who joined in 2015.

What was your total for this trivia question?

I got the correct answer, 2362.
I've went back and counted 3 times and still come up with the same number...2332
77 full pages @ 30 per page
77 x 30 = 2310
15 on one page
7 on the other page
15 + 7 = 22

2310 + 22 + 2332

Where am i missing a full page?
I believe the first full page starts on 11 and ends on 88 (77) with page 10 (7) and page 89 (15) having the partials.

Harry, you have to include page 11 in your calculation. 88 - 11 excludes page 11.

Also note that the partials change each time somebody new registers.
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I wonder which one I added. I came up with 2363. I sorted by date joined, there were 13 and 10 of the first and last pages with 2015 join dates, and then 78 pages with 30. (78 * 30) + 13 + 10 = 2363.

Not making a wave, but wanting to know where I went wrong. :confused:

I knew there might be some controversy with this one but there are two ways I came up with my number.

1. Go to the Members List and do an Advanced Search. Then enter 2014-12-31 and 2016-01-01. Your search will come up with 2367. But then there is one more step. You need to sort the list by Date Joined. You can sort with 2014-12-31 being first. This will show that 5 of the 2367 members joined on 2014-12-31. Subtract 5 from 2367 and you'll get 2362.

2. Go to the Members List and do an Advanced Search. Then enter 2015-01-01 and 2016-01-01. This search will show 2362. You can verify that members who joined on 2015-01-01 and 2015-12-31 (and all those in between) are included in the 2362 just by sorting the list by Join Date.

Hopefully this clears up some of the confusion:)

In my previous posts, I did this method of sorting by Join Date with my iPad then my iPhone and came up with:

Page 616 18 members joined on 01/01/2015

Page 695 5 members joined on 12/31/2015

Plus the 78 pages in between with 30 members/page... 2340

Still get 18 + 5 + 2340 = 2363

Went ahead and did it with my Windows based PC and came up with the exact same numbers (18 + 5+ 2340 = 2363). I'll try your advanced search method (1) and see what comes up.

This is really frustrating! Are you sure Tom Brady didn't get into one of your pages and "deflate" it by one member??
I've went back and counted 3 times and still come up with the same number...2332
77 full pages @ 30 per page
77 x 30 = 2310
15 on one page
7 on the other page
15 + 7 = 22

2310 + 22 + 2332

Where am i missing a full page?
I believe the first full page starts on 11 and ends on 88 (77) with page 10 (7) and page 89 (15) having the partials.

If the full pages start on 11 and end on 88 that is 78 full pages, not 77.
It the new math, search start 12.31.14 to 1.1.16 to get all the 2015 members , that's 79 pages...78 full pages with 30 each is 2340 plus the 27 that is on page 79 is new math 2367 but it's the new math
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I've went back and counted 3 times and still come up with the same number...2332
77 full pages @ 30 per page
77 x 30 = 2310
15 on one page
7 on the other page
15 + 7 = 22

2310 + 22 + 2332

Where am i missing a full page?
I believe the first full page starts on 11 and ends on 88 (77) with page 10 (7) and page 89 (15) having the partials.

If the full pages start on 11 and end on 88 that is 78 full pages, not 77.

DUH!!! :frown::mad:
I see, and i'm sure everyone else does too, what i did. I looked at the page numbers, subtracted 11 from 88 and added the partials on the two pages. Oh well S*!t happens i guess

Congrats to the winners also

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