Feb. 5 Trivia Question

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Aug 5, 2009
Millersburg, OR

to the Day five of this year's

We will aim to start each daily contest by 12 noon ET on a given day; but TriviaMeister schedules may necessitate earlier or later starting times. Regardless of the starting time, you will have until noon ET of the following day to email your answer for the contest question. Please be sure to include your IAP screen name with your answer so we know who you are.

All entries "postmarked" before noon ET of the contest closing day will be placed in a hat(electronic hat, actually) and two winners selected. The winners will be the first entry selected at random that is valid and have the correct answer to the contest question. The winner will be announced on contest closing day at 8 P.M. ET (or thereabouts as the TriviaMeister's schedule permits) and the decision of the TriviaMeister will be final.

Email your answer to: trivia@penturners.org

Please show the date and name of the contest in the subject line of your email entry i.e., 5 FEB Trivia. You can copy/paste the preceeding. (This saves time for the TriviaMeister in processing entries.) Also be sure to include your screen name with your answer!!

The prize you will be competing for today is:

TBD - Two winners selected by random daily.

!!!!!***HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK***!!!!!

Question for day 5.....

What provides you access to IAP-Wiki?
Email your answer to: trivia@penturners.org

Please show the date and name of the contest in the subject line of your email entry i.e., 5 FEB Trivia. You can copy/paste the preceeding. (This saves time for the TriviaMeister in processing entries.) Also be sure to include your screen name with your answer!!

Note: "Laundry list" entries that include several possible alternative answers are "NOT" acceptable. Submit only one answer per question or question part(if there is a multi-part question) unless the question specifically asks for multiple answers. Thanks.

The TriviaMeisters have decided there will be "NO" limit on the number of times any one person can win a prize. If you know your stuff and are lucky in the draw, you could win as many as 28 prizes!!!
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I have a revolutionary NEW idea---I use my phone for a different purpose-----to make PHONE CALLS!!!!!

I have an "I-touch keys" phone----no pods, no apps, operation instructions: Push buttons, talk to person!!!

I think, in about 40 years, it will be "all the rave"!!!
Ed, I think you got it wrong if you have the phone and call the IAP no. and if you have a very heavy latin accent you'd say Bikki and phone will dial Wikki for you. Like "bery good". Tha'll bo the drick.:biggrin::biggrin:
Yeah and a lot of years ago they used to copy all documents by hand. :biggrin: Where would you be now without modern technology?
I guess maybe we'd have the opportunity to sell more pens though!

I have a revolutionary NEW idea---I use my phone for a different purpose-----to make PHONE CALLS!!!!!

I have an "I-touch keys" phone----no pods, no apps, operation instructions: Push buttons, talk to person!!!

I think, in about 40 years, it will be "all the rave"!!!

I am OLD, but not that old. When I started my business in the mid 1970's, I was told we were headed for a paperless society and I was very mis-directed to think of copying as having a future.

At that time, Xerox patents had JUST expired. Plain paper copiers were "high volume" at 5000 copies per month. I now have several customers running a quarter million copies per month.

So, yes I owe much to technology---make equipment cheaper, faster and more reliable and, surprisingly, people will USE it more!!!

But, re-educating people to type, instead of talk has no upside that I can detect, except "deniability" is reduced.


By now you must have one leg very much longer than the other since I've been pulling it a lot in these last few posts.

As a vice-principal I spent a lot of my days dealing with the down side of modern technology. Facebook and MSN are evil as far as I'm concerned.

Have a good day! and thanks for participating in the fun of this.


I enjoy nearly all conversation!!! Pull to your heart's content.

I submit, however, that Facebook is NOT evil, in the slightest. There are evil people everywhere. And technology's safeguards are being developed--they are FAR from ideal.

But technology that lets us know others better will reduce world tensions. As we become more aware that the Russians didn't want to die any more than Americans, we start to realize "world annihilation was not as imminent as we were told by our "esteemed" leaders--who gained power over us by keeping us in a state of fear.

I say all of this irrespective of political party, as the people of the world come closer together, the "leaders" of the world will be more accountable for their "inaccuracies". That, is a good thing (sorry Martha)!!!

I enjoy nearly all conversation!!! Pull to your heart's content.

I submit, however, that Facebook is NOT evil, in the slightest. There are evil people everywhere. And technology's safeguards are being developed--they are FAR from ideal.

But technology that lets us know others better will reduce world tensions. As we become more aware that the Russians didn't want to die any more than Americans, we start to realize "world annihilation was not as imminent as we were told by our "esteemed" leaders--who gained power over us by keeping us in a state of fear.

I say all of this irrespective of political party, as the people of the world come closer together, the "leaders" of the world will be more accountable for their "inaccuracies". That, is a good thing (sorry Martha)!!!

I'll agree, Facebook in the proper time and place is not evil, but when I've confiscated my 7th cellphone for the day because my students won't stop texting or updating their FB status instead of doing their school work, it is very easy to shift the blame to their device. I'm sure that that is the side that Michael if referring to. I take the phone away from the kid, but he has to deal with the angry parent who has to lose their lunch break coming to the school to pick up the phone for the 3rd time. Then I'm sure that Michael has to explain to the irate parent that the teacher was just following school policy and that the student should know that having their phone out in class is against the rules, the whole time thinking, "If you would just teach your kid some self control, you wouldn't be here right now yelling at me." Right, Michael?
You're right but also the nasty things students say to each other on the social network sites. Many a fight has been started this way. It also amazed me when I got a complaint from a student or sometimes a parent and they printed out and brought to me what was said that they didn't seem to get it about not responding. What they said in their response was usually at least as bad if not worse than what was originally posted. I'd estimate that a good 40-50% of my day was spent dealing with things that were started on FB or MSN.

Anyway the actual reason for my posts was just to have a little fun with Ed.

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