Favorite smelling wood (or other material) to turn

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Favorite Smelling Wood

Love the smell of camphor. I work part time with an arborist and the aroma of chipping birch can sometimes smell like birch beer soda. I loved that as a kid. We had a local soda bottler in town called Light rock that used to bottle it. Birch brings back memorys .
Favorite smelling wood

Tulip wood

Both I really look forward to using for the smell. Though I use a sealed respirator now, I enjoy the residual smell in the shop after I have finished turning.:tongue:

Granted being stuck in Peru without access to access to a lathe, I would be greatful to work with burnt rotten wormwood at this point....:frown:
Eastern red cedar, Spanish cedar, amboyna burl, camphor and maple. My dad made toys for me and my brother out of maple and that smell always reminds me of that.
Can't say what my favorites are... I like all that smell pleasant..

my least favorite though are Marble wood... it smells like old gym socks to me.. and
Madagascar Ebony... smells like a wet cow barn/cow lot...

Did a bowl blank last week of a wood I got at Woodcraft they had marked "Rainbow Poplar".... it was pretty wet and smell like a swamp bog... I've soaked it in DNA and am waiting to see if it dries enough to finish...
Cocobolo can smell like Cinnamon. Which is my all time favorite scent. but because it is not reliable it misses on being my favorite. Olive wood is nice to turn as well and ranks high on my list. But for a variety of reasons. reliable expectation of a great experience being one of many reasons why. Maple stand out as my favorite. It is extremely complicated as to why including memories it brings up. But maple stands out clearly as my number one fragrance while turning.
I've never turned a lot of these woods you guys have mentioned, but I do like most any cedar, sassafrass, and camphor.

One I really like that no one else has mentioned is peach. It looks similar to, but even better than cherry, and it smells like peaches when turning it. Cherry can be quite acrid even though it looks nice and turns nice....

Peach has all that and a good smell.
to me, padauk and bloodwood smell the same. Just goes to show how different
we can perceive things. (or just how many different woods share names!)
Lignum vitea and tulip wood. I thought I detected nutmeg when I cut the lignum vitea on the saw and it smelled just like egg nog when I turned it. Most pleasant indeed!

Least pleasant has to be the zebra wood. Someone already mention that it smelled like zebra dung. At best it puts me to mind of a wet horse's arse! DAMHIKT:redface:
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