Fall Meeting in early November 2017

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Apr 3, 2010
Medford, Oregon, USA
Hello folks.
I need some major motivation to get my garage cleaned up, cleared out and back in the swing of things. I haven't done any turning in months and months and it's not a good thing. I'm certainly not going to do this during the current heat wave, but I'm thinking things should be adequately cooled off by early November.

So I'm opening the discussion on a November meeting-
Dates in November for Saturday or Sunday are as such:
18-19 (I will not be available this weekend)

I am open to hosting.
What topics of interest are you interested in for an upcoming meeting?

Let the discussion begin!
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I'm afraid I can only make it on a Sunday. If it's a Sunday count me in. Can one of the topics be stabilizing blanks?
Thanks, Frank
The 12th or the weekend of the 25-26 work for me.

I would think it would be good to talk about potential gift ideas or ornaments.
Hey guys! I'm interested but very unsure of my schedule.

I've been mia but lurking in the shadows. Divorce and starting a second career sidelined my turning but I'm trying to find my way back to the lathe. Job has me working a lot of weekends and nights but I'm trying to schedule some weekends off.

I'll keep an eye on this event and hopefully I'll be able to make it.
If no one else wants to host I will. Garage is pretty full o' ___ so we won't have as much room as we've had in the past.

Nov 12th at my place (unless some one else raises their hand).

I wanna come. ( yep I know I've said that twice before but I think the the third time will be a charm)

I need an address


PS for future reference I do have a 1 car garage, thus space and my spouse is thrilled if I'm "socializing". Since I'm a newbie though my equipment is pretty basic.

Oh and a shop watch (German Shepherd). She watches everything and promptly falls to sleep ..... bored.
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Ok, we'll start planning food in early November. But figure on our "normal" of sandwiches, sides, and desserts.

Dee, I'll send you my address in a PM.
Martin told me about meeting, got signed up on site.
Long time turner, live in LIVERMORE and would like to meet fellow pen turners. I will bring desert to 12 get together.
Need address.

Hi Charlie, welcome to the group. I'll send you a PM with my address.

Setup starts around 10, the gather "formally" starts at 11. But since we have nothing formally planned it will be very loose.

We have a scheduling conflict!
We won't be able to attend.
Thank you Cindy for offering to bring plain ham lunch meat.
We will miss seeing everyone.

Can I get a final raise of hands of who's coming?

I'll have waters and a small variety of sodas. But if you like something specific, please bring it.

Cindy is bringing meats
DieselDoc and Temptat are bringing dessert/snacks.

Can others chime in with what they will bring?

Uhg! I can't seem to catch a break! I got thrown a big curve ball today and have been trying to work it out - but I must prioritize a family thing on Sunday. Believe me, I tried to find a way to reschedule but the weekends are full with my daughters birthday, holidays, college break and there doesn't seem to be much of a breathe until the new year. I am very sorry I will not be able to be there.
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