Estate Blank Sales - IAP Fundraiser: 3/16/2019

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mark james

IAP Collection, Curator
Sep 6, 2012
Medina, Ohio

This blank sale is a continuation of the: Estate Blank Fundraiser.

All profit goes directly to IAP.

As this was an Estate Sale purchase - IAP makes no guarantee that the blanks are labeled correctly (If I suspect a mislabel, I will note that opinion).

Respond within this thread if you want any boxes.
Payment (Blanks plus postage) is to be made to IAP PayPal (Yellow Box at top of screen).
PM me (Mark James) your name and mailing address.
I will confirm with Jeff that payment has been received.
I will then PM you back with confirmation of your order and USPS tracking.


SFRB = $7.90

Non-USA sales will be priced and sent to you for consideration.

This is a simple choice. I will put together 10 boxes of miscellaneous blanks. Minimum 16, maximum 22 in a SFRB. $15.00 for the blanks, $7.90 for postage, so call it $23.00 in the mail!

Not happy with what you receive - I'll guarantee it! Let me know and I'll make it good.

And in 1-2 days I will restart the Estate Blank Sales with individual blank choices.


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HI Mark. I will purchase a box of the blanks and you can kindly send them to Sharon for her blind students. I made payment via the PayPal yellow box . Hope all is well in Ohio .
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Two boxes left. Thank you everyone. All will go out Monday morning.

Thank you Joe, the box will go out tomorrow to Sharon.
If folks are happy with this arrangement, I can easily make up more boxes! There are about 2,000 blanks left.
Just got mine in the mail today and I couldn't be more excited! The variety and quality was awesome! I've been looking to turn a cast pinecone blank and now I've got one!
My box arrived yesterday, and I am delighted. It has 18 assorted blanks plus one Kit Kat bar. Spouse saw the candy bar and asked, "Does this guy know you from somewhere?"

I can't wait to make them into nice projects. Thank you!
Looks like all went OK.

I will PM this weekend those who asked for another box; I can assemble next Monday. If you want a box, let me know (if you don't get a PM). This will not be a public announcement, but sure, I'll take additional orders. These are random boxes, much not labeled, but I suspect very nice selection. Hey .85 - $1.00/blank, should be OK.
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