Engraving Needed

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Jan 14, 2012
Newberry FL 32669
I posted this in the classifieds but after thinking about it I should have asked this here:

Hey guys ... Need a little help. Have a request to have names engraved on 2 Jr Sized wood pens that will have a CA finish Probably fill the engraving with some kind of fill before CA finish (suggestions for fill material?). Just need first and last names engraved.... Need done relatively quickly like fathers day for presents. Anyone point me in the right direction?
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pens that will have a CA finish Probably fill the engraving with some kind of fill before CA finish (suggestions for fill material?).

Embossing powder works well as an inlay material. Leave your blank slightly oversized, engrave, fill with embossing powder and thin CA, turn to final dimension, sand and finish. Add more embossing powder and thin CA if any voids appear. This will result in a completely smooth surface.

Alternatively, you can engrave the pens after they are finished and assembled. Acrylic paints or rub'n'buff can be added to change the color of the engraving.
Check out the Laser Bits web site. They sell a paint in various colors for filling in after the engraving is done. I have used Constant in Atlanta for engraving in the past.
I too have used Kallenshaan Woods and with beautiful results. I would still be sending engraving to him but found WoodTurningz a mile away from home so no shipping charges. I highly recommend either of these quality vendors. Just wanted to clear up because I felt guilty for not giving Ken his due.
Stan Cook (mrcook4570) is also an excellent source for engraving. Ken Nelson has grown to the point where he prefers doing the inlay kits. Give Stan a try--everyone I know who has used him has been extremely pleased.

He also does some really classy boxes (pen size)
I've engraved several of my own pens for customers with their name or a logo, but I haven't tried filling them afterwards. I'll give it a try and see how I do. I run an engraving shop so it's just "business as usual."
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