Ebony Cigar

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Jun 30, 2006
Westfield, Ma, USA.
First cigar in about three months.

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Looks good. I like the blank below it. A little off center drilling or angle drilling (carefully) can produce a nice effect. EVEN if the off center drilling was a mistake. DAMHIKT
Good looking pen except for the lines. They may not be sanding lines but someothing in the finish especially if you used CA. I have one to redo because of it. I couldn't see them but my son saw it right off.
Thanks for the kind words. The lines are not sanding lines but indeed a problem with the CA/BLO finish. The wood was oily and the papertowel actualy stuck to the wood when I applied the CA. I had to resand the entire pen from start with starting with 140 all the way through 12000 mm. I was pretty upset and may try to fix it this weekend. I went to my "Finishing Secrets for Pens" dvd by Russ Fairfield and will take another look at the CA and Surface Prep to see what I might have to change. I also received my "Advanced Pencrafting" DVD by Russ this week. I'll be watching that this weekend.
I have 5 more of these blanks from River's Edge Exotic woods and will get it right the next time.

Your comments are appreciated!! [:)]
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