Eagle-eyezed Work in progress

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Because I am not on the site over the weekend, I am posting "unfinished" work to show a different presentation of Eagle's "cross" pens. (Tho' I wish he would dream up a better name, since I use "cross" to describe all my 7mm pens).

There is a story with this pen. I sent Eagle some "cut-offs" months ago. Among them was some pretty nice rosewood of undetermined origin, but with his talent with wood, I figured it would be useful in SOME design.

Meanwhile, I have done him a few favors and he felt he wanted me to have "something special". So, when the handmade "cross" design came to fruition, I was asked about a number of design options and wood combinations. One afternoon, he called to tell me I was receiving a piece that was "made for" the cross.

I was pretty astonished to get my rosewood back! Eagle had found a grain pattern that certainly emphasizes the cross inlay. So, I wanted everyone to see how Eagle's talent can be creatively employed to make an "outstanding" blank. If you have wood that has sentimental value, or if you have a customer who is "in love" with an old, broken piece of furniture that just HAS to be thrown out, what better way to recover at least fragments and endow them with lasting meaning???



Before Skye gets a chance, there are sanding lines!!! That's because all that's on this is sanding sealer-3 coats so far. I wanted to get it posted before the weekend, but it's been a REALLY busy week, so I turned it last night about 10 PM, in my "walking zombie" mode.

Next week, I will post the finished Baron that will result (THEN, you can tell me about the sanding lines, Skye!!)

For now, Call or e-mail Eagle!!!
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Theres sand.... awwww man! Why you want to ruin my fun?

One real question though, was the center of the wood rings missed intentionaly? I ask that question knowing not the first thing it takes to make one of these, so take it with a few shakers of salt.
You never know what is going to happen INSIDE the wood.
Thank Dawn for taking the pictures[:D]
I could cut a <s>hundred </s> make that a thousand more pieces and not have the opportunity to attempt that again.
All you guys just wait!!!!

By Monday, I may have it SANDED!!!

THEN, there will be sanding lines.

On my way home for the (hopefully, very productive) weekend - next Wed starts "show season"!!

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