Dwarf Banksia pods, with a new hair-cut...!

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Aug 6, 2009
Australia - SA Adelaide Hills
These dwarf Banksia pods, that I collect annually from my auto-mechanic property, also a source of many other timber species part of my collection, have been cast the same way since day one, I slice the long enough pods (full pen blank length or close enough) into 4 quarters and then cast them with all sorts of resin colours.

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The pods were always cast raw as they are one of the best materials I used for casting that adheres to the PR (Polyester) resin, better than anything else I used so far, in the pod category so, they stay solid all the way through work/turning/drilling, etc.

The last time I made Resifills with these pods, I used all the long pods I had in stock, they were all sliced into 4 quarters, many were cast but, a fair number is still waiting for their turn. The last batch, I made 13 different colours, and a good number of each, and while they were selling quite OK, not so much lately, for whatever the reason.

I was sorting a few boxes a few days ago and I come up with a box full of these pods that aren't long enough for a full length blank, the very ones I have been putting aside for one day to think what I could do with them, as these as the average size that small tree produces, 70% won't have enough length for a full blank. Well that day has come, and I set up to cut them into 2 major sizes, these are what I consider to be the best yield from their natural size so, the smallest ones were cut and 2" 1/2+(65mm) and the next size at 3" 1/4 - (81mm) approx.

What makes the major difference in between these new blanks and the old ones is that, with the new ones, each pod can only produce one blank (short) and I cut the edges/sides to keep the pod core at 21mm square.


I wanted to created a symmetric blank with these pods so that when turned into a pen barrel, it looks identical all around so, I had to sacrifice one pod per blank, instead of creating 4 blanks with one pod.

I cut today all the pods I had, not a huge amount but enough to make a few dozens of pens, I should have some ready or almost ready to pick-up from the tree from this year growth, I hope that I had a bag full, will see...!

I cast 2 molds last night (12 shorts per mold) of both sizes, the shortest are Sky-Blue and the longest are Spring Green, those are the samples that I done on the pics, for you people to have a look.

I like the Sky-Blue the best, and tonight I put another 3 molds in the pressure pot, Sky-Blue (long ones), Pearlex Duo Green-Yellow and some other colour that don't remember its name...!

I should have enough to make another 4 or 5 molds, maybe tomorrow or so and get them all done in one go...!

I like to put my Resifills a side to bleed and rest for 4 weeks some even more and some a lot less, such as the case with these ones so, if is any interest for some of these among IAP members, I will put an add, just for them...!

I'm not yet sure of prices, as I use 1 pod per blank (short) so, will see...!:wink:

What do you reckon...????

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Very cool. So you would need 2 blanks for a complete pen?

Well, that will depend of the kit you are going to use, mane are complete pens with a single barrel, and this barrel can vary in length considerably.

This is the reason why I made them in these 2 sizes, the pods that are a little longer than the 2"1/2 but well under the 5", lets say about 4" or less, were cut to 3"1/4 so, you have the option of buying a short and a medium to make a 2 barrel pen, even though the smaller blanks will do most barrels even on a double barrel pen but, the medium is there to utilise that little extra pod I had, and that can be of great use to you considering that the long blanks, would be the full 130mm length that I hope to have some pods of that size from this yield from the tree (I will be checking this small Banksia tree in a few days).

So, for now, I have these 2 sizes and later on, I will have some full size blanks made the same way, well that's the plan, anyway...!:biggrin:

I will be shortly de-moulding the 3 molds I took from the pressure pot this morning, they have been baking the the hot sun (35°C) for 5 yours so is time to see what I've got, clean and re-apply the release agent, pack the pods in the mould, mix the resin and pour, for an overnight sleep in the pressure pot at 100PSI...!

I doubt that any other colours will look as "effective" and pretty as the Sky-Blue that always produces great results so, I maybe try Red Russet on one mold and the rest will be the Sky-Blue...!

We will see, I have enough for everyone for know you you guys don't get too greedy and allow everyone to have some, I may actually "impose" a limit, just to make sure...!

After this lot, only the pod quarters are left, those I still have some blanks left on my eBay store, I will have to continue making them to use the pods I already cut but after that, I will use the pods for this new blank design...!

Any of the pods I will collect from this year yield, will need to considerable drying time, the Summer will be around for a few more months so, that will help the to dry but, I may have to resort to the Microwave or oven to get some dry, sooner, will see...!

George please let me know when you have the full sized blanks ready to go, I'm sure that post will not slip by me. :beauty:
Well, anyone interested in these blanks, only have to look in this thread to know all of what's going on, as I'm keeping everyone updated...!

The blanks I got cast yesterday, were done today and I turned a couple with the pure intention of demonstrating a few important details about these blanks.

I'm attaching pics from today and the 2 other colours, one quite identical to the Sky-Blue and the other quite a nice colour also. Most of the points/observations I wanted to make, are explained on each pic so, it will be easy to follow.

One thing that I need to say is that, these are not blanks that you want to put on slimlines or any of those skinny pens, the seeds pockets only go so far into the pod so, the resin that is filling it, will be all gone by the time you get it that thin so, not a good way to use these blanks, they need a wider diameter as possible in the pen/barrel, any kit that require a 10mm drill bit and above, are the kind of kits where these blanks will show its best, removing all the resin from these blanks, is spoiling the blank...!

Anyway, is getting late so, I leave you with some pics for you to have a look...!




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OK so, this morning, my old Ford Falcon Wagon decided to not cooperated with me and got me concerned but at a closer inspection I worked out that, with temps over 40°Celsius engines get got and cooling systems work overtime, it happens that the thermostat decided to go so, I had to give my auto-mechanic friend, an unexpected visit to have the part replaced.

Well, so much for my plans to go and have a look at his Banksia Dwarf tree where the pods on this thread, come from, some time in the beginning of next year...!
All of a certain, I was at his place/work-shop (25km away) and 50 meters away from his small Banksia tree so, I too a bag with me and went to have a look, while my friend was replacing the thermostat.

It was damn hot but, I got into it and collected all that could be used. I noticed that, wasn't the best yield I had but I could see lots of big pods that are still green so, unusable. They will be next year yield, for sure...!

Got the vehicle done and when I got home, I spread all the pods in a low shed roof 001.JPG 002.JPG 003.JPG 013.JPG I have in the backyard so that, I could have a better look to what I had and at the same time, leave them there to dry a little as the next few days the predicted temps are around the middle 40's C.

I also finished the blanks I had cast last night and put in the sun, this morning, making another mold this afternoon/evening, with the rest of the pods I had ready for casting (didn't fill the mold...!)

I got also a couple of molds put on the pot with the Banksia Hairy pods stabilised so, I'm starting to work on those also...!

Now, there are not many in this year yield that will allow me to make full size blanks, maybe 15 or so out of 140 I counted but, as soon as I'm satisfied the pods are dry for casting, I will get them done, for some of you that already asked for them...!

As for the lot I'm finishing at the moment, I counted about 110 or so shorts from the 2 sizes I mentioned in the beginning. I have 4 colours, 2 are quite identical to Sky-Blue, some are green and some of today are red but most are Sky-Blue...!

I got also one sample done with the red (Red Russet) blank but, before I show it to you, I would like you to look at the next 3 pictures and tell me, if you had the choice, would you select them to include in your castings or, you would discard them as "rubbish"...???

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Now, consider what your thoughts were about my question above and tell me, what is wrong with this next blank on the red colour blank, pics...???
(the pics are not the best, I run out of natural light, when I got it turned...!)

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Did I hear someone say, "is nothing wrong with it, what is he talking about...??"

Well, this blank was made from a pod that looked like between the second last and last pic, being deformed somehow, the pod had characteristics that were very unique to it, there are colours and pod movements that most of the "normal" pods, don't have so, are they useless...??? I think not...!

What do you think...???

I will provide prices, limits and whatever else, tomorrow (my time...!)

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Hi George,

I am interested in ordering some these beautiful blanks also.

Please let me know when they are ready to ship
Ok peoples, I haven't yet finish totally with these blanks but, they will all ready for start posting Monday morning, the 23/12/2013 so, and to give me enough time to get everything sorted out, I would like to make a list of the people that already show interest or request some as I have a very limiter number available to supply and I want as many people as possible to have some to have a go, at them...!

I will start this list with names of members that expressed their interest in this thread and some by PM, anyone else interested, can request to have their name added to it and I will follow that list until there are none left.

I will be making some more with the pods I collected yesterday but that will need to wait a while yet but, they will get done, I promise so, if you miss out this time, and you don't want to miss out the next time, make sure you have your name added to the list, that will still be valid for the next batch...!:wink:

Now, the blanks prices are;

*- AU$4.00 for the smaller ones (2"1/2 long) any colour

*- AU$5.00 for the medium size (3"1/4--) any colour

*- AU$9.00 for a full length pen blank (5" ++) any colour (available very soon...!)

Each person is allowed 1 x 250gr. padded envelop at AU$9.00 shipping cost anywhere on Earth (Regular air-mail option), in it, I can fit 6 of the medium size blanks in it so 6 (six) is the max. limit per person, regardless if they are all small, all medium or a mix of both sizes in any colour available.

There will be enough blanks allowed per person to make 3 x 2 barrel pens or 6 x single barrel pens, or a number in the combination of both so, I think most fair to everyone...!

Payments are made through Paypal to nyodine@yahoo.com.au, and I would like to ask that you put your IAP name on the payment description so that I can identify the payments a lot easier.

I'm yet to count the number of blanks of each colour I made and what sizes they are, I will get that info later on when the heat outside drops a little more so, don't panic.

You are welcome to let me know how many blanks you want (to a maximum of 6), their colours and sizes, I will then add that information in front of your name in the list so that I and everyone else can follow...!

So, here is the names list and what I have to far, if your name is on it but you don't want any, please let me know so that I can remove your name from the list, thanks...!:)

1- Fordwakeman - 6 medium (4xblue, 2xred) - PAID - SENT
2- Mondo - Not this time..!
3- glenspens - 6 small (4xblue, 2xred) - PAID - SENT
4- healeydays - 6 medium (5xblue, 1xred-my sample) - PAID - SENT
5- gimpy - 6 size/colour ? - Paid - SENT
6- Teeball 6 (Large - mixed colours) - PAID - SENT
7- Penl8the - 6 medium (2xblue,2xgreen, 2xred) - PAID - SENT
8- carlmorrell - 6 (1xlarge,3xmedium, 2xsmall, mix colours) - PAID - SENT
9- Powerstroke 7.3 - 6 medium (2xblue, 2xred, 2xgreen)-PAID - SENT
10- philb - 6 (3xlarge blue, 3xmedium other colours) - PAID - SENT
11- Karl_99 - 6 (4xshort blue, 2xmedium red) - PAID - SENT
12- alankulwicki7 - 2 (all small -blue?) - PAID -SENT
13- Rounder - 6 (3xmedium, 3xsmall mix colours) - Paid - SENT
14- tdsmart - 6 medium (mix pack, my choice) - PAID - SENT
15- RK1468 - 6 medium (mix pack, my choice) -PAID - SENT
16- Bean_Counter - 4 x medium , 2 x small - PAID - SENT
17- chrisk - 3xlarge, 2 or 3x mediums/small??? (green...??) - PAID - SENT
18- Penl8the - 4xlarge + other blanks ordered - PAID - SENT
19- Karl_99 - 6 (4xshort blue, 2xmedium red) - PAID - SENT

NOTE: The total count of blanks sizes and colours made, are as follow;

*- Blue - Large = 23
- medium = 42
- small = 32

*- Red - medium = 12
- small = 3+1(sample)

*- Green - medium = 11
- small = 13

Total of 137 blanks

Update on the full length blanks, I have cut this afternoon all the 23 suitable pods, and have them in the oven to finish drying properly. I should be able to cast them thought the weekend and have them ready to post, somewhere on the first half of next week.

I need to bring your attention to the fact that, the capacity for the small 250gr. padded envelops is 4 full size pen blanks (square corners removed), if you order the max. limit per person of 6 blanks, I will have to use and charge for the 500gr. bag @ AU$12.70...!

Well, here they are 001.JPG orders can proceed for this size blanks...!

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Please add me to the list for 6 blanks. 4 in sky blue and 2 in red, if available. If not, then sky blue for all. 2 medium and 4 short.

Thank you, Karl

Very hot during the day and even after the sun went down, was about 10:00PM when I went to the workshop and finish the blanks, with a coat of varnish after they were sanded. I had a few other blanks that needed the varnish coat so, I go them all done in one go.

Almost midnight when I finished but, they will be all dry in the morning so that I can start sorting, a few will be packed and posted tomorrow so was important that I had them done tonight...!

I took a couple of pics just before I turn the lights off and come to the house, nothing special, just a view of what was done, from the 2 ends of the shed..!



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Got to hand it to you George ...love the work bench..

Hahahah, thanks mate, that is my special mobile set-up to varnish the blanks, far from being a work-bench, that things balances itself like magic however, is not the first time that I get up in the morning and the whole thing is on the ground, strong winds can do it and some feral cats that decided to check my work-shop every so often in the hope to find some biscuits, cake or other goodies that then wife brings me, and I endup forgetting eating, the problem is, if they get spooked, they jump crazy and run into these things that are normally not there.

The truth is, it does the job and most of the spray fumes go into the open area, the very reason why I do it there...!:biggrin::smile-big:

Hey George,
I will take 6 blanks. Make a surprise package out of it as they are all beautiful.
Blanks availability, update...!

Hi peoples,

There are still plenty of the Dwarf Banksia pod blanks left, as this what is still available after everyone in the list of post #17, got theirs processed...!

According to the pic I took this afternoon and attached here, the blanks available are;


*- Large (full length) X 7 @ AU$9.00 each (130mm long)

*- Medium Sky-Blue x 14 @ $AU$5.00 each (80mm long)

*- Medium x 5 @ AU$5.00 each Duo Blue-Green

*- Small Sky-Blue x 21 @ AU$4.00 each (65mm long)

*- Small Duo Green-Yellow x 9 @ AU$4.00 each

The limit for each person is 6 blanks, in a mix of sizes that will not exceed 250gr total weight, for a cost of AU$9.00 for shipping only...!

If interested, post here, I will add your name on the main list of post #17 and provide you with a PM with all the payment information, and other...!

Thank you...!

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count update

Please let us know when we can sign up for a 2nd batch.
Those look awesome.


Well, I was thinking in wait for the sold blanks start to arrive and you guys doing some pens before I would accept repeat or second order allowance however, I have tried to allow as many people to have some, reason of the limit, they didn't sell all in the first go, which surprised me a little but, doesn't really bother me that much so, I'm allowing a second order from those that already purchased some, I would like to maintain the limit of 6 pieces, preferentially 5 if mediums as that, wouldn't require to cut the square corners of each blanks so that they within the 250gr weight limit.

I will require to count what is available but I can say at this point that, all large are sold...!

I will update very soon...!

OK here is the current count of the blanks left at the 2-01-2014

*- 13 x medium - Sky blue @ AU$5 each

*- 21 x small - Sky-blue @ AU$4 each

*- 5 x small - light green @ AU$4 each

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Hi peoples,

The second ordering round is on so, go for your life, there aren't that many left for me to bother in list them on my eBay store...!

Another thing that I would like to show it is, what these pods do, when not completely dry and in contact to rain and moisture, compared with the sunshine (heat).

They are still in the same spot on that low roof, as I shown you initially, there has been very hot days, some rain and everything in between however, today I decide to show you how they react to atmospheric conditions.

In the first lot of pics, just after I collected them from the small tree, the weather was very hot so, the pods were all open, at first, one would think that, if they are open is because they are dry, right...??? Wrong, the pods have to dry its core before they stop reacting with the weather so, you will be able to see in the attached pics that, some pods are closed and some are open, the open ones are dry/dead while the closed ones, haven't have their core dried yet so, they react as it they were still attached to the tree.

What I'm trying to get at is, one has to be very careful when making castings out of these blanks, without being absolutely sure, the pod core is dry/dead otherwise, you can imagine what the blanks will do when exposed to extreme weather, the pod material will move and something have to give, separation of the pod and resin would be the result, as if cracking.

The long pods I used from this year's yield, were submitted to many hours in the oven to accelerate what nature does by itself so, I'm most confident that, they won't move but, is not something that I like to do, I prefer the pods to dry naturally and then, use them...!

So that you know...!:wink::biggrin:



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All sold...!

Hi everyone,

These Dwarf Banksia pod blanks are now, ALL SOLD...!

Thank you, to all those that ordered them, most appreciated...!

I will be doing some more with the pods I have left, I would like to see then going through Summer and dry a little more for themselves without any mechanical intervention, I will let everyone know when I have some more available...!

Thank you...!

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