Drooling over the Donation Drawing

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There are at least 10 more additions coming.

Some silver pen kits, tools, a few more special blanks, and a mystery item or two.

There are a couple prize slots I have yet to fill, so if you have a suggestion for something with a $100-$200 value, send it along to me by PM (or post here if you like...)
There are some great items in the drawing. I am hopeful but I can already hear a train off in the distance. I sure do hope I'm wrong about that train (for me at least!)
This drawing has nothing to do with that train.

This drawing is for all the members of the IAP that donated or purchased coffee cups, pen cups, etc. THIS drawing is for everyone.

Now the loosers train is acommin'......she's rolling around the bend......and getting ready to stop at "Petticoat Junction". ( for all us old timers)
How are you entered

New here...was wondering how I get entered into the drawing and how to become a member.
Win or lose the IAP website has taught me a everything I know about pen turning and the list of sponsors are the people I support. All great folks to do business with for the best service and best prices.

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of the Bash.
Just have to wait until tomorrow.
I'll be at work, which is good, because I will be in front of a computer.

I was feeling luckier earlier this month. Not feeling as lucky today . . . .

Tomorrow will be a lucky day for a bunch of folks though . . .
And just remember that................... Ho? What is that I hear in the distance?

Sounds like a train. Coming out of the Great North.......... Chuga Chuga Chuga..... Oh, Hold it.
That is me and Mark drinking Bourbon at Chuck's Cave.

New here...was wondering how I get entered into the drawing and how to become a member.


As Andrew noted, you are already a member & you can still get in on the Donation Drawing if you make a $25 or more donation to IAP today.

Whether or not you do that, you can still get in on the Loser's Train drawing if you did not win any prizes during BASH. These will generally be prizes worth $25. All you have to do is watch for the sign-up thread on Monday & jump on the train.

Ther is still time to possibly win a BASH prize though. Puzzles #5 & #6 are still going on. Click on the PUZZLES link on the Home Page & check them out.

Is anyone else drooling all over the donation drawing?!?

:bananen_smilies039:Thanks :bananen_smilies039:to all the folks/businesses that have donated!!
There are some fantastic things listed - and I am hoping one of them will make it to my house!

NO! NO! NO! Dave, Jeff told me that he took your name out of the drawing this year. He's just letting you think that you have a chance, AGAIN

Thank you to all the Donors.

NO! NO! NO! Dave, Jeff told me that he took your name out of the drawing this year. He's just letting you think that you have a chance, AGAIN

Thank you to all the Donors.


Well, you must be right - my name wasn't in there. BUT YOURS WAS!!!
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