Down for a bit

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Feb 3, 2013
State College PA
In 1 week I'm off to Pittsburgh for a double lumbar fusion. After a 4 day stint in the Hospital, I'm expected off work for 12 weeks. Never in my life have I been down like this and for so long......but I look forward to a day when I can crawl out of bed in the morning without tears from the pain. I have faith God will heal and appreciate any and all prayers....both for my healing and my wonderful Wife who will be caring for me.

One thing that's safe for a few months......The Beautiful Burls of Central Pennsylvania! For now, they can just keep growing:rolleyes:
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Steve. Evelyn and I will lifting you up in prayer. I know wha it like being off of work like that. I'm sure you'll be better before long. Stand strong in faith.
Steve -

Best Wishes - My wife had a quadruple lumbar fusion a little over a week ago. I have an inkling as to what you are going through. My prayers are with you (and my wife).

My Wife did this a couple of years ago, so I know what you're up against. Good luck! It can be a real blessing! My fingers will be crossed for you!

Pain, of any sort is most debilitating so, anything that can be done to alleviate that, is a good thing, as far as I'm concerned...!

Good luck with your procedure, I've heard doctors are getting pretty good with such operations so, you will be OK...!

Recover well and quickly, my regards to your wife that will help you through it all...!

Will be praying for you. Having had back surgery a number of years ago, I would recommend one thing: following the doctors orders for recovery. Take it easy for a long time.
Thank you everyone for the kind words, PM's, and talks we've had. It is encouraging to have such a fine group of folks here. I'm sure I'll go a little stir crazy, but hope to be able to do some turning at some point. I have plenty of burl cut into manageable chunks, sitting next to the band saw waiting my return.
In 1 week I'm off to Pittsburgh for a double lumbar fusion. After a 4 day stint in the Hospital, I'm expected off work for 12 weeks. Never in my life have I been down like this and for so long......but I look forward to a day when I can crawl out of bed in the morning without tears from the pain. I have faith God will heal and appreciate any and all prayers....both for my healing and my wonderful Wife who will be caring for me.

One thing that's safe for a few months......The Beautiful Burls of Central Pennsylvania! For now, they can just keep growing:rolleyes:

I had a 'decompressive lumbar laminectomy with fusion and posterior lumbar interbody fusion with pedicle screw fixation' some time ago. Basically, it's a eight inch incision in my back, the removal of broken bits of my spine, packing the area with donor bone goop, and then screws and rods to hold everything together. I was out of the hospital the next day, but I was out of work for three months.

Here's my advice: Your doctor will prescribe some painkillers/muscle relaxers. He does this for a reason. Have someone fill the prescriptions BEFORE you leave the hospital. Take this medicaine before the pain gets bad. This is very important. When the pain gets bad it will be very bad. You want to stop the pain from getting bad. You really, really want to.
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