Donation Drawing Comments

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My '09 donation sent. Thanks for offering the Commemorative Mug as part of the deal. I know I will not "win" one, and I collect mugs, so it was worth the purchase for good cause. This mug, I will use!

When you get ready to ship, let me know and I will email my USA address. I will be home in mid April for a month and pick it up then.
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used the one at the top of the page Happy Birthday IAP send the mug to user name tbroye, couldn't find a place to put it on the form that popped up
I'm in for $50.00 just had to have one of those great looking mugs :smile-big:
Also very appreciative of all the information here and the wonderful turning materials I have gotten on this site since joining only a few months ago. A donation is a mere drop in the bucket for all I have gotten.


Thanks, Keith "mrburls"
Thanks for a great forum Jeff. It's difficult to fully describe the enjoyment I get participating with this group. Happy Birthday IAP :)
OK just made mine gotta have that mug. Also I made a prize donation to Maxwell Smart007 This is going to be a fun bash.


Just pushed the paypal button, hope I bought a mug, know I contributed to the most helpful, fun, deserving site on the www. Happy Birthday IAP.
Many, many more,
I can hardly wait to drink my coffee from that IAP mug. Signed up for monthly contribution. This is a great site, I fee connected to people I meet here. Learn lots, get to share and it all flows nicely.
I'm in! The mug is just a kicker compared to all of the knowledge that is accessible here at the IAP.
Happy 5th Birthday and thanks again Jeff and Scott for giving birth to this great site!
$$ sent. I need mug... afterall,,, the latest bunch of blanks that I received smell like Scotch and the ones from Jimm (JD barrel blanks). need to extract any liquid from them and might as well break the 'mug' in. :drink:
thanks for making this possible.
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