Cypress from the southwoods!

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Apr 10, 2013
This is a 3 x 6 Cypress beam that I salvaged with the hopes of repurposing it into a few pens. Good lighting sure shows up all the little defects.....I guess I need to slow down & sand a little longer! lol


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Very Nice Pen Phillip,
That Cypress Blank is Spectacular.
Lucky you if that beam is all like the Blank.
Good Fit and Finish looks fine from the Photograph.
If you are seeing scratches, ensure you use clean dust free abrasives, keep the abrasive moving on the blank, go up through the Grits, do not apply too much pressure or heat, wipe between grit changes.
Consider finishing with Micro Mesh. You will find a wealth of info in the Library.
Well done,
You have some very good looking pepper mills , bud vases , S&P shakers , bowls and other items lurking in that beam . As far as sanding goes , defects are not apparent on my small screen . I would sand any product made from it to 6oo grit . Then you can look any customer in the eye and honestly tell him that what they see on your table is an addiction to fine sandpaper .
Ouch, deciding to make the pen with cross cut with that old Cypress plank, should have been a "bear", huh...???:eek::biggrin:

There is no doubt, most woods cross cut show a very different pattern to the "with the grain" cuts but I reckon, the extra difficulty in handling them, is well worth in the end, that pen come out just beautiful, congrats...!

Hey Bob!

I have too many hobbies/interest! lol..There is a southern gospel
concert 3 hours closer that is going to take place @ the end of
February. Since I am moving toward a "fixed income" I may have
to forgo the Feb. 8th meeting & attend the 3 night "singing" instead!:cool:

Mornin' again Bob: The weather looks like it might also be an issue for travel from south Arkansas this weekend.....still trying to decide which
venue to try to attend! lol:rolleyes:
Yeah, I'm not sure if Saturday will work. There's snow predicted for Friday. Just watch the thread in the chapter sub forum for updates.
Need e-mail & address!

Send me an address & I will gladly ship you a couple of blanks or more!
I fooled around & the beam got wet again (it had been in the weather for years when I obtained it) I am afraid that if I set it inside it will really start to check/crack/split!

Well, send me an e-mail or something about your address & I will drop a chunk of it in the mail!

Phillip, I would absolutely love a piece of that wood but in all fairness I would need to send you something in return. I have a ton of spalted maple and spalted buckeye. Either one interest you?
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