Custom Blank Length

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May 15, 2009
Chesapeake, VA
Well, I started thinking about it and playing around with some blanks that I have. I quickly realized that a normal length pen blank is not sufficient to make a custom "kitless" pen.

If you were the king of the castle and could get a custom pen blank in a certain length, what would it be and why?

I have spoken to a few people and I will let them chime in if they desire but I am looking for some recommendations on what length to make some blanks. I know the blank length changes based on the style of pen you are making and how detailed you get.....

Please give me some insight!
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I agree with Hans. 7-9" would be plenty of room for all your parts plus you'd be able to align your patterns with all said parts. You know I'd be 1st in line for a mold like that :wink:
I agree with Hans. 7-9" would be plenty of room for all your parts plus you'd be able to align your patterns with all said parts. You know I'd be 1st in line for a mold like that :wink:

Who says I was going to make a mold for it? :rolleyes: Inquiring minds want to know.....
I would agree. I have been using PVC for now. But Fred if you make one put me on the list.
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