Crazy Cardinal

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May 18, 2014
Richmond, Va
I kept hearing a noise in our bedroom but could not see anything when I went in to check on things. Finally, I sat down and stayed real still and this cardinal flies up and attacks himself in the window. Here he is in attack mode and after he dazed himself.


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After just reading the title I thought that maybe you were Catholic, needless to say I was a little off... I enjoy watching birds, Cardinals not so much :)

Edit: well, maybe you are Catholic, but that's beside the point
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There is a big catbird that attacks my wife's car mirror every day until he's exhausted & can barely fly off. Next day, he's right back there doing it all over again.
They have a beautiful song. When we were first married, living in Highland Falls, NY, we had a pair nesting in a tree outside our window. Loved hearing the male singing every morning.
My parents had a bird that pecked the side mirrors on their car, leaving scratches. They bought two rubber snakes and draped them over the mirrors. When they moved to a retirement complex in Florida, a neighbor had the wiring in her car replaced two times- squirrels! Dad had a rubber snake that he would put over the engine, placed it so it wouldn't melt.
Cool photo. I see Cardinals virtually every day in my back yard, among other birds, squirrels, rabbits, etc. And I live in the city :). I'd enjoy the birds MUCH more if they'd stop crapping all over my deck and start crapping on my jerk neighbor...
There is a big catbird that attacks my wife's car mirror every day . . .

Man, he must really hate that mirror! lol

I guess that's why they call it Wildlife !
Not only does he attack the mirror, he craps all over her door.
She is not happy with this stupid bird.
Since it's been raining for about a month straight, he hasn't attacked it lately.
We had one fly into our house the other day. My wife's Bichon just sat and looked at the bird until it finally flew out the open door and sat on the steps of the porch. Bella, then went and sniffed the bird, but other than that did not show any aggression towards the bird. She loves to watch the turkeys come up onto the road that runs from one end of the property to the other in front of the house, and then whines when they leave to go about their business.
We are still under siege by the cardinal. He has attacked nearly every window in our house, freaked our little dog out and yes he is now attacking the side mirror and windshield of my truck. In addition to all this, he is entertaining a lady friend. He has got to run out of energy soon..
My parents had a bird that pecked the side mirrors on their car, leaving scratches. They bought two rubber snakes and draped them over the mirrors. When they moved to a retirement complex in Florida, a neighbor had the wiring in her car replaced two times- squirrels! Dad had a rubber snake that he would put over the engine, placed it so it wouldn't melt.

After replacing the wiring in his truck three times, my dad sprayed the wires with clear spray lacquer, and dusted the wet lacquer with cayenne pepper. End of problem.
We had one fly into our house the other day. My wife's Bichon just sat and looked at the bird until it finally flew out the open door and sat on the steps of the porch. Bella, then went and sniffed the bird, but other than that did not show any aggression towards the bird. She loves to watch the turkeys come up onto the road that runs from one end of the property to the other in front of the house, and then whines when they leave to go about their business.

Sitting in my living room one day I kept hearing a "tink tink tink" sound in the kitchen, but every time I went in, it stopped. Finally I just stood quietly and waited. It was a large mockingbird, head down in an iced tea glass in the sink. I took him outside and tipped him out of the glass and he flew away. Apparently one of the cats caught him and brought him in and turned him loose.
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