Comfort grip click pen?

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Feb 11, 2006
North Charleston , SC
Does anyone have a recommendation for a click pen with a comfort grip? The only clicker I have made is Berea, which comes with no comfort grip. I have a customer that wants a few clickers with the grip.

I know there are several available, so I am really looking for opinions on this, since the click pens seem to be one of the more nitpicky kits to make.
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I wish you luck in finding a kit you like but get ready for some more aggravation, the only ones I tried were offered in the "el-cheapo" platings.
This is what i would suggest. Try turning a Berea clicker, turn off to the tube the last inch or so, or whatever the length of the rubber thing is and slip it on. From there you can make your adjustments if needed. The rubber thing is pretty forgiving in respect to thickness tolerances, but you could use your caliper too. If you need a rubber thingy, let me know and I could probably mail you one. They seem to always be around my shop.
Berea makes a click pen with the entire lower half covered with a black silicon rubber. They call it the "cushion". I find them to be ugly, but they are comfortable to write with.
Berea actually makes a kit like that. And they have one in chrome which should be longer lasting than the gold ones.

Here is a link to the item on the AS web site:
Thanks for the info Guys.

Gbusardo, I have been eyeballing the standard clicker and the small pile of extra "grips" laying around, so I will mess around with them and see if I can modify them. Thanks for the idea-- I think it will work.

Toolcrazy, I really appreciate the offer, but I have a rather legalistic (yet, quite effective[;)]) policy of absolutely never selling anything "gold" plated, only Ti gold. I can get away with that b/c I am small time (ie, I sell less than a dozen pens a month, typically... but that has been changing[:D]).
Originally posted by redfishsc[/i

Toolcrazy, I really appreciate the offer, but I have a rather legalistic (yet, quite effective[;)]) policy of absolutely never selling anything "gold" plated, only Ti gold. I can get away with that b/c I am small time (ie, I sell less than a dozen pens a month, typically... but that has been changing[:D]).

Yep, me too. I have quit buying gold entirely. These are left over from my learning days, when I didn't know better. So, No Problem.
Originally posted by toolcrazy
<br />I have one or two of those kits in gold. I'd part with them if you want them.

Steve: How much do you want for them? I'm not planning on selling them(cause I don't sell gold anymore either), just wanted to experiment a little since so many people claim to have problems making click pens work properly.
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