Columbus Meeting?

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
At the last Ohio meeting, hosted by Bob Jackson (Thanks Bob! :good:) in Elyria I promised to contact Charlie Vangas at Wood Werks Supply about a Columbus meeting. Charlie is in charge of the Rockler store located in Wood Werks. He is an IAP member, but doesn't say much. He has hosted meetings in the past and is always very helpful to IAP members that stop in an identify themselves.

Charlie is willing to make Wood Werks large classroom available to us for meetings. So, we have a potential place to meet in Central Ohio. Now what we need is someone to act as coordinator. We would have to have some demos set up, topics to discuss, etc. I would be willing to assist, but I cannot take the lead on this at this time. I have enough irons in the fire right now and the Bash is right around the corner. :eek:

Soooooooooooo, if anyone is interested in a Central Ohio meeting and more importantly, willing to coordinate a Central Ohio meeting feel free to get a hold of me either by PM of at 614-774-7676.
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I have not been to an IAP meeting before. What kind of things are people looking for? Is it just getting together to talk penturning and someone demos?

Our next meeting is 12/7/13 at Hartvliie Hardware in Hartville, Ohio. We could do a March meeting in Columbus if you would like. I will handle all the logistics for such a meeting if you so wish.
Mike Our next meeting is 12/7/13 at Hartvliie Hardware in Hartville, Ohio. We could do a March meeting in Columbus if you would like. I will handle all the logistics for such a meeting if you so wish.

We can discuss on 12/7.

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I have not been to an IAP meeting before. What kind of things are people looking for? Is it just getting together to talk penturning and someone demos?

Usually some demos and discussion about pen making techniques and procedures.

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