Color Combinations

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Feb 16, 2011
Eugene, Oregon

I am just doing a interest thread about everyone color combination in blanks? I want to know what 2-3 colors you like to see together in pen blanks? What colors do you always avoid?

Your responses will be very helpful to me in the future.


61 views, no responses. That is probably because there is no correct response to the question. It's all a matter of taste, yours and your customer's. It s like the "Which are best" questions that are posted so often. You will get just about as many answers as there are members. Take a look at the IAP photo albums and see which pens are made with blanks that jump out at you. Take a look at the color combinations used by various sports teams. Take a look at nature which, IMHO, is one of the best sources of fantastic color combinations. But remember, just because you don't like something does not mean that your customers won't.
And in addition to what Mbroberg said you can like a 3 color combo in one instance and not another, Intensity of the colors may be slightly different, one color may be dominant in one and not the other.
This question was asked at the MPG and Gerry (Chasper) replied, "It depends on the area of the country." He continued, telling us that Florida will purchase "water and beach" colors and the midwest will be strongly purple.

Made sense to me!!
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