Review Close, close, oh so close - but no cigar

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Feb 25, 2010
webberville, mi
This is NOT a PSI bash. Just an observation. I got the most recent PSI catalog in the mail yesterday. Right on the cover it says "back to basics" and shows some straight forward pens. Hmm. I'm interested. Nice looking, clean lines - and (get this) no plating! Machined from brass, aluminum or stainless. I'm thinking I like these!

So - just as I'm reaching for my credit card I read a bit more and see (oh, NO!) they are clipless. Except for the brass one. It's available both ways. CLIPLESS!!! Oh, please. How often do I sell a clipless pen? NEVER.

WHY would they do a clipless kit? Offer the aluminum and stainless with clips like they did with the brass. I'll pay a bit more.

Sorry, I'm passing.
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This is NOT a PSI bash. Just an observation. I got the most recent PSI catalog in the mail yesterday. Right on the cover it says "back to basics" and shows some straight forward pens. Hmm. I'm interested. Nice looking, clean lines - and (get this) no plating! Machined from brass, aluminum or stainless. I'm thinking I like these!

So - just as I'm reaching for my credit card I read a bit more and see (oh, NO!) they are clipless. Except for the brass one. It's available both ways. CLIPLESS!!! Oh, please. How often do I sell a clipless pen? NEVER.

WHY would they do a clipless kit? Offer the aluminum and stainless with clips like they did with the brass. I'll pay a bit more.

Sorry, I'm passing.

Well I haven't clipped a pen in maybe decades. I would assume most younger people, I'm not one, would carry a pen like me in my pocket. Also I going to say most women carry a pen in their purse so a clipless maybe a plus as it wouldn't catch on stuff as it pulled out.

Note: I don't sell pens but I use them and I never use the clip.

Note part deux: since they are new they aren't in stock yet
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I may be wrong, but the way I read the blurb for those pen kits on PSI I got the impression that they might be going to equip more of those RAW kit styles with clips.
I agree...never have sold a bare pen, i.e.NO clip...UNLESS it had a roll stop. I have made and sold pens with no clip, but WITH a roll stop (I simply did not use the kit-provided clip). Maybe that is a direction to go with pens such as these. (I am just responding to this thread, and have not seen the clipless kits under discussion.)

An added comment: those clipless, but with rollstop pens that I have sold were purchased for use by women, as a purse pen.
Why no clip on RAW pens?

Good question but want an opinion on my answer.

To be "truly" authentic, we wanted these pens to be SOLID material - from tip to clip. Our choices were limited to Brass, Aluminum and Stainless as to what our supplier could execute in solid metal materials, but ....... - A solid Aluminum clip would be too soft - A Stainless clip could not be executed - too hard and no spring (and prohibitively expensive). Brass could be executed thus we included a brass clip with the brass pen.

So my question is -

Would you prefer to have a "whatever clip" made from a suitable base material but finished to look exactly like the pen metal? or have the pens remain clipless and authentic?


Ed Levy,
VP&GM Penn State Industries
By the way, ETA of the RAW pens (limited quantities to start) will be in Early May.
Good question but want an opinion on my answer.

To be "truly" authentic, we wanted these pens to be SOLID material - from tip to clip. Our choices were limited to Brass, Aluminum and Stainless as to what our supplier could execute in solid metal materials, but ....... - A solid Aluminum clip would be too soft - A Stainless clip could not be executed - too hard and no spring (and prohibitively expensive). Brass could be executed thus we included a brass clip with the brass pen.

So my question is -

Would you prefer to have a "whatever clip" made from a suitable base material but finished to look exactly like the pen metal? or have the pens remain clipless and authentic?


Ed Levy,
VP&GM Penn State Industries
By the way, ETA of the RAW pens (limited quantities to start) will be in Early May.

Good question but want an opinion on my answer.

To be "truly" authentic, we wanted these pens to be SOLID material - from tip to clip. Our choices were limited to Brass, Aluminum and Stainless as to what our supplier could execute in solid metal materials, but ....... - A solid Aluminum clip would be too soft - A Stainless clip could not be executed - too hard and no spring (and prohibitively expensive). Brass could be executed thus we included a brass clip with the brass pen.

So my question is -

Would you prefer to have a "whatever clip" made from a suitable base material but finished to look exactly like the pen metal? or have the pens remain clipless and authentic?


Ed Levy,
VP&GM Penn State Industries
By the way, ETA of the RAW pens (limited quantities to start) will be in Early May.
I think it is great that you are commenting on this. Far too many times people have questions on pen kits from many suppliers and don't know the why's of why things were done the way they were.
I prefer a clip because I carry pens in my shirt pocket. But some that carry them in a purse have said the catch on all the Junk uh I mean the necessary stuff they carry in their purse.
I prefer a clip because I carry pens in my shirt pocket. But some that carry them in a purse have said the catch on all the Junk uh I mean the necessary stuff they carry in their purse.

catches in your pocket too.
Ed - A big thank you for responding to this post. It's good to see you considering our thoughts.

Direct answer to your question: I'd prefer a "whatever" clip to no clip at all. As an added option like the brass model.

A related aside - Constant Laubscher at Lazerlinez sells solid stainless pen kits - with clips. Don't know if his clips are stainless or "whatever" material. Something to consider? Either way, IMHO, I don't see a different material clip as "being untrue".
I, for one opinion, prefer a clip. I bend over a lot at work and hate it when my carry pen that I've spent time and money on, hits the floor and gets dinged. Even with a shirt that has a separate pen spot sewed in, a clip has saved my pens many times. Just another imho:rolleyes:
Thank you for replying as well.

It seems to me that a "whatever" clip option would be the way to go. Give people the choice and I think you'll do great.

The pens caught my eye too.

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