Clearing some of my UFO's

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Aug 5, 2013
Sydney. NSW. Australia
A constant request from SWMBO, is that I tidy up my Workshop aka. "My Less Car Garage".
For many years in spite of my best Intentions the Inflow has exceeded the Outflow.
Many of my Projects have become UFO's (Un Finished Objects), and the Overflow has Submerged the Bench, with the Residue piling on the Floor.
I am in the process of clearing many of the UFO's by completing the Objects, many of whom have rested here from the early 2000, regrettably some of them have been discontinued by the Supplier and build instructions are not available. That makes it a little difficult, but that becomes a pleasant challenge. Also several of the Pen Kit's do not have any Name, so I don't know what to call them, and living in Australia we do not get to see many of the kits available in the USA, so by not having the exposure, I am at a loss, and would appreciate any assistance.

Photo 1. Is two Candle Snuffers,
Photo 2. is One with Australian Cedar (Toona ciliate) Handle. With a length of 11.5"
Photo 3.The Second, is with Snakewood (Acacia xiphophylla) Handle. With a length of 9.5". I am not certain where or when I got the Snakewood, but it came with an attached note "Be Careful" .
Photo 4. Is One of two Scratch Awls, that I purchased in the early 2000, the other one, I gave to a friend at the Men's Shed.
The Handle is Tasmanian Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon).
The shape of the Handle was not intended to be anything like what I finished with.
On the surface of the blank there were two small holes as if small panel pins had been driven in, then removed. But as I started turning, these holes proved to be Termite Flight Holes from the Chamber they had been eating, growing and living for their early life, feasting on the Timber.
So I kept chasing the Cavity to see if I could turn it out. So what you see, is what I've ended up with.
It is comfortable in my hand so it will do.

Comments and Critiques most welcome.


  • 20190506-00 Candel Snuffers - Cedar & SnakeWood.jpg
    20190506-00 Candel Snuffers - Cedar & SnakeWood.jpg
    112 KB · Views: 183
  • 20190506-02 Candle Snuffer Australian Cedar.jpg
    20190506-02 Candle Snuffer Australian Cedar.jpg
    102.4 KB · Views: 167
  • 20190506-01 Candle Snuffer - Snake Wood.jpg
    20190506-01 Candle Snuffer - Snake Wood.jpg
    105.3 KB · Views: 177
  • 20190506-03 Scratch Awl - Tasmanian Blackwood.jpg
    20190506-03 Scratch Awl - Tasmanian Blackwood.jpg
    108.4 KB · Views: 153
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May 3, 2015
Columbus Ohio

Love the candle snuffers, though I don't often find myself needing one! The shape is very nice on both. Looks like you did a great job with the snakewood.

The shape on the awl is attractive too but I'm wondering how it is to hold. Different from the traditional shape for sure. It seems to me like the fitting on the handle would hinder the usage of it as well. Must be OK for you though, so maybe I'm wrong. Stranger things have been known to happen.....:)

I think the wood is very nice and I like the termite hole too.



May 3, 2015
Columbus Ohio
@magpens check out these turnings by Brian. Quite nice I think. (also trying out new forum feature I've been wanting for a while - sending notifications to members not in the thread already!)


Aug 5, 2013
Sydney. NSW. Australia
Thank you Lewis, and Charlie, for your Kind Comments,
Lewis, after I chased down the Termite Hole, I was concerned as to how it would be to hold, when fully Assembled.
I was quite prepared to turn off the Termite Handle, recover the Tube and replace it with a different and solid wood.
But when I held it with the large rounded end in the palm of my hand, my fingers were quite comfortable resting on the lower section, and I had good control on scribing with the Tip, and when pushing with my palm to impress the point as if it was a Brad Awl, It will do what I want.


Aug 5, 2013
Sydney. NSW. Australia
Thank you Wayne,
This was only a Token start, (More to Satisfy and Pacify the constant comments from SWMBO).
And as I come from a long line of "Domestic Cowards", and enjoy messing around in silence.
I saw that I really didn't have any Alternative,other than to make a Start.
Honestly I can hardly see any difference in the Work Shop.
If the Truth be known it is probably worse than before I started "Rooting Around like a Ground Hog"
However I am turning up some "Forgotten Gems", so it seems that it has been worthwhile.
Therefore, I will continue, I have some Pens Finished, and will post them shortly.
Kindest regards,


Aug 5, 2013
Sydney. NSW. Australia
Love your work Brian although it is hardly work when you enjoy it.

Isn't that the Truth Roly.
I have seen some signs that say "You are at Peace in a Garden" (they don't mean the Permanent Peace, like the Lawn Cemetery)
But I prefer my Workshop.
Thanks for your Kind words Roly.
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