Cheese slicers.

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Group Buy Coordinator
Mar 4, 2005
Pearland, Texas, USA.
This buy is for the cheese slicers I posted about in my GB Research thread that are similar to the ones Woodcraft sells for about $10. I will be purchasing them from for less than 1/2 the cost...$3.55 each when purchased in lots of 100 chrome or 100 black.There was a question in the research thread about ordering the smaller slicers. I don't see them on the cheeseslicing web site so they will not be included. The research thread indicated about 260 of the chrome and 60 of the black would be ordered. We would need more black ordered to reach the $3.55 goal.

There will be no minimum or maximum number of slicers that you need to purchase to participate in this buy. I have no problem shipping international so this buy is open to everyone. The buy will be open for one week...until midnight central time March 16. If at that time we need more to make an even 100 slicers, I will leave it open until the quantity is met or those participating agree to a slightly higher cost.

Anticipated cost breakdown -
$3.55 per slicer
$0.14 per slicer estimated cost of shipping the slicers to me
$5.75 shipping to you. I should be able to ship about 10 slicers to you for this price. It may be more if you order more that 10 and I'll adjust the price when I pack them up. Of course International will be higher and I'll give you my best estimate when you place your order.

Ordering -
Download and fill out the spreadsheet attached below and email to me at the email listed on the spreadsheet. I will email you your cost once the buy closes. Please submit your payment via PP Friends and Family ASAP after you receive this email. Failure to use F&F will result in you paying additional PP fees.

I think this covers it. If I've left anything out let me know.

Oh, I don't anticipate any over payments, but anything over $1 will be refunded or donated to IAP at your discretion.


  • Cheeseslicer order.xls
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There was an error in the spreadsheet, it failed to calculate the cost of the black slicers. If you have already down loaded and sent me your order, I will correct the error and send you an email with the new projected total.
Also, when you fill out the spread sheet to send to me, be sure you save it in the original Excel format. I have received 2 orders that were not saved in Excel that I cannot open.
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Email sent. I put in for black to help reach the quantity discount for that color. Feel free to swap it to chrome if we don't have enough interest.
There was an error in the spreadsheet, it failed to calculate the cost of the black slicers. If you have already down loaded and sent me your order, I will correct the error and send you an email with the new projected total.
Also, when you fill out the spread sheet to send to me, be sure you save it in the original Excel format. I have received 2 orders that were not saved in Excel that I cannot open.
Was one of them mine?
There was an error in the spreadsheet, it failed to calculate the cost of the black slicers. If you have already down loaded and sent me your order, I will correct the error and send you an email with the new projected total.
Also, when you fill out the spread sheet to send to me, be sure you save it in the original Excel format. I have received 2 orders that were not saved in Excel that I cannot open.
Was one of them mine?
I'll let you know as soon as I can access my email. My ISP is having server problems this evening.
As of 10PM I have orders from:
Monty - 20 chrome
bobleio - 5 chrome 5 black
djrljr - 5 chrome 5 black
Lobay - 10 chrome 10 black
duncsuss - 16 chrome 4 black
Grampy 122 - 10 chrome
HamTurns - 10 chrome
Skeleton2014 - 10 chrome
VotTak - 10 chrome
BackyardSmokin - 20 chrome 5 black
leatherman1998 - 2 black
eranox - 5 black

Please PM or email me if there are any corrections or if you sent your order and I did not post your name.
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In addition to the participants listed above, I now have the following:
Brian Frank - 10 chrome, 10 black
southernclay - 10 chrome

Totals are 130 chrome and 42 black.

If you have sent me your order and do not see your name in either of these 2 posts, please PM me ASAP.
What happens with the black if there's not 100?

Trying to decides bout jumping in but I'm only interested in black.

There are a couple of options that would be available, but all involved would have to agree. This would also apply to the chrome should we not end up with an even 100 because to get the best price, they must be purchased in lots of 100.

1 - We can purchase in lost of 50 for $197.50 or $3.95 each or lots of 20 for $89.00 or $4.45 each. These prices also apply to the chrome.

2 - Who ever ordered black can change to chrome or drop out.

I would suggest that if we can't make an even 100, we shoot for 50.
Thanks for the reminder PM Mannie, I had missed the posting of the Group Buy. I sent my order in last night. I also posted a build question to your original post in "Other Things We Make" rather than to clutter this thread. Thanks again.
As of 8:30PM central time, we have orders for 244 chrome and 91 black.
In addition to the participants listed in my 2 previous posts, the following have been added -

cal91666 - 5 chrome, 5 black
JohnU - 10 chrome
gimpy - 20 chrome
RMOrud - 10 chrome
bean_counter - 25 chrome, 10 black
micharms - 10 chrome, 5 black
edohmann - 5 chrome
hdbblue - 12 chrome, 12 black
ssalvage - 5 chrome, 5 black
Neil - 12 chrome, 12 black

Since we need to order in quantities of 100 and we only need 9 more to reach that right now, I'm going to cut of the black when we reach 100.

As always, if you name is missing or you see an error in what I have posted, please let me know ASAP.
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Monty -- I would like 5 of each as well if they are some still available.

I can not download that spreadsheet at work but I can get it you later this afternoon, will that work?

Thanks Drew
Question for everyone.
I just confirmed with Cheeseslicing that we have to order in lots of 20, 50, or 100 to get the best price. That said, if we have, for example, 178 ordered will pay $355 for the first 100 ($3.55 ea), $197.5 for the next 50 ($3.95 ea), $89 for the next 20 ($4.45 ea) and $4.95 ea for the last 8. This example would make each slicer cost $3.83.
If everyone is OK with a slight increase in the final individual price, I will reopen the buy on the black slicers and leave the chrome open until the midnight closing time tomorrow night. If not, then I will close the buy when we get to the next 100 slicers.

I'm going to reopen the buy for the black slicers and see how many more want them. If we hit 200, great, if not than will everyone be OK with the slightly higher cost as outlined above?
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As of 8:30 PM this evening we are up to 335 chrome and 135 black. Raising this to the next 20 price break, this makes the chrome cost $3.66 each and the black cost $3.81 each.
I've received orders from the following since I updated yesterday -
monty8867 - 5 chrome
jimm1 - 5 chrome 5 black
DocHoliday - 6 chrome 4 black
mjbarry21 - 5 chrome 5 black
wpixley - 10 chrome 5 black
jim15 - 10 chrome 5 black
Twinsen - 10 chrome
triw51 - 5 chrome 5 black
PSNCO - 14 chrome 6 black
Rick_G - 5 chrome
endacoz 10 chrome 5 black.

If anyone wants to change their order since I reopened the black slicers, PM or email me and I'll make the change.
As always, please notify me ASAP if you see any errors.
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