Chairmen PLEASE READ! Prize Distribution - Contest Chairmens Role

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Please see the attached Word document which outlines the procedures to be followed to get our winners their prizes in a timely manner. The thought behind this is that this will be easier than tasking one individual with prize distribution. Ed Brown has done a fantastic job of this for years and I doubt that any of us could have lasted at it as long as he has. Thank You Ed!

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this procedure or if you have difficulty opening the attached document.

In the event a contest chairman does not want to be involved in this process please let either Jeff or I know ASAP.



  • Correspondence to contest winnersV2.doc
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One of the primary reasons for doing entry forms was to already have this information and not need to bother the winners with providing it again and waiting for it. The entry forms will have names, addresses, and e-mail addresses. Just like last year, as soon as I know the contest is over, I will download a spreadsheet with all the pertinent details and send it to the contest chair for that contest. They will have everything they need.

I would suggest getting rid of asking the winner to provide it again and instead, ask that the contest chairs let me know when their contest is over. I can't read minds and don't have the time or inclination to look at all the contest threads or constantly monitor the calendar to see when one end. Just a quick PM asking for the info and I will send it right away.
Thanks Curtis. That works for me as long as you are able to get the chairs the information in a timely manner without too much trouble. I'll revise and re-post the procedure to reflect that.
IF the chairs let me know that their contest has ended, they will have the info in 24 hours or less. However, if they don't let me know and make me look for it, it may take longer!
Will this mean that all the names trickle in to Alumilite? Are they supposed to keep track of that---they have not had to do that in the past, and since they don't want to do international shipping, it sounds like their "level of commitment" is waning----is this a good time to ask them to shoulder more of the responsibility?
(that last comment is rhetorical, no answer required)
Will this mean that all the names trickle in to Alumilite? Are they supposed to keep track of that---they have not had to do that in the past, and since they don't want to do international shipping, it sounds like their "level of commitment" is waning----is this a good time to ask them to shoulder more of the responsibility?
(that last comment is rhetorical, no answer required)

Alumilite shipped directly to Jeff already, so no further action required on their part.

One of the primary reasons for doing entry forms was to already have this information and not need to bother the winners with providing it again and waiting for it. The entry forms will have names, addresses, and e-mail addresses. Just like last year, as soon as I know the contest is over, I will download a spreadsheet with all the pertinent details and send it to the contest chair for that contest. They will have everything they need.

I would suggest getting rid of asking the winner to provide it again and instead, ask that the contest chairs let me know when their contest is over. I can't read minds and don't have the time or inclination to look at all the contest threads or constantly monitor the calendar to see when one end. Just a quick PM asking for the info and I will send it right away.

I have replaced the attachment in Post #1 with the revised version. Please discard the document "Correspondence to contest winners" and use "Correspondence to contest winnersV2" instead. Thanks!
I have a rough draft of prizes for the contests but I am waiting to make sure there are no large late entrees. I will have the first draft to Mike B shortly and with his approval I can post it so you can have your prizes when you post your contests.
Will this mean that all the names trickle in to Alumilite? Are they supposed to keep track of that---they have not had to do that in the past, and since they don't want to do international shipping, it sounds like their "level of commitment" is waning----is this a good time to ask them to shoulder more of the responsibility?
(that last comment is rhetorical, no answer required)

Alumilite shipped directly to Jeff already, so no further action required on their part.

I have not received anything from them yet.
I made this stickie so it should be easier to find. All chairmen need to review the attachment so that prize notifications will be consistent and all the necessary information will get to all the right people. If anyone has any questions please let me know.

Also we need to know Immediatly if any of the winners or the glue packages or Alumilte packages are overseas/ out of country. We need to substitute those prizes with something easier to ship!
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