Carob for a Cause

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Aug 21, 2008
Sonora, CA
About a year ago, my wife was finishing up her surgeries for Breast Cancer (she is "cancer free" now!). Since my wife's diagnosis, my Mother and my Sister have been hosting an annual scrap booking weekend, and donating the proceeds to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. So this year, I volunteered a couple of pens for door/raffle prizes.

They are made from cross cut carob, and finished with CA:


Thanks for looking,

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Very clever. You see alot of pink pens and the ribbons, but this is a classy everyday pen with a message that can be seen very clearly. I hope you do not mind but I think I will borrow that idea and also do some others. I am looking for blue ribbons for men's prostate cancer. I assume that was a Hut product??? What kit is that if I may ask??? It goes well.
Thanks for the comments.

The kit is a screw top ameroclassic rollerball from Hut, as is the finial... I don't remember seeing a blue ribbon, but then I wasn't looking for one. They've got a ton of different custom logos.

And I'm sort of a firefighter... I fly an airtanker for CDF (CalFire now) in the summer. Beats workin'!

Dang, I need to knock out a dozen or two of those! My wife participates in the Avon Walk each year and that would be a great fundraiser!
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