Canadian members please comment!!

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Recently, we had a customer who wanted a large order, very quickly! I suggested he go directly to CSUSA for the kits since he wanted more of one "flavor" than we had in stock. This left him with two boxes coming in.

We sent ours USPS (US Postal System--not UPS) the other box came FedEx, 2nd day.

He received both, but he says each was about $35 with taxes and the FedEx got there in a few days, ours was held up in customs for over a week.

He has suggested that we make FedEx a shipping option for Exotics. We actually have a FedEx account, but I thought they charged $25 just to clear customs---billed to you, directly.

So, I am looking for feedback!!
Should we offer FedEx, what are the prices on your end!!
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FedEx sends their customs bills later - usually a few weeks after the package arrives...
ups charges more, and you pay upfront

USPS is the only - and I mean only - method that most of us Canucks would want or use (I wouldn't consider anything else) - but if speed is an issue, then it's not going to be nearly as fast.
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FedEx sends their customs bills later - usually a few weeks after the package arrives...
ups charges more, and you pay upfront

USPS is the only - and I mean only - method that most of us Canucks would want or use (I wouldn't consider anything else) - but if speed is an issue, then it's not going to be nearly as fast.
Maxwell Smart has given a very succinct answer that speaks for me as well! Once burned, twice shy!!
I too agree with what Maxwell Smart stated. I've stated for a long time that in MHO, UPS has a licence to steal with their shipping and brokerage? charges when shipping to Canada and refuse to deal with sellers that only have UPS as their shipping option.
I second Andrew , with the added comment that some of us are so remote from the lower reaches of civilization (i.e. cities) that accessing courier service of any form means an hour on the road .
I third ,forth or fith what Andrew said. Although I have found a pretty neat way to get parcels to Vancouver Island. There is a company at our airport called Seawings Express, they bring parcels from Blaine Washington to our airport for $17.00 for a 5 lbs package.
That includes the brokerage fees. So if you get free shipping in the US it's very reasonable.
But one thing I have found nothing and I mean nothing gets buy the duty or customs, where the USPS and Canada Post most parcels bypass that system. Not sure it actually bypasses it but it's such a big job for a small amount of money when they are so backed up with freight. (That's what the customs guy told me at the airport) Where the customs at the airport have sweet tweet to do. Lol ours is a small airport for an international one.

I have learned through experience that the courier services generally all have higher custom brokerage fees vs. the Cdn postal service which is a flat rate. I believe the current brokerage fee Canada Post charges is $9.95. For small packages sometimes it is delivered to your mail box without the fee and sometimes you are charged the brokerage fee and our provincial sales tax (13%). It may be a little slower however, I will only purchase material from outside Canada only if the vendor sends it through their postal system.

USPS or nothing at all. Although rates from USA to Canada have climbed, the postal system from both countries is still the best bang for our shipping dollar. I will NEVER, NEVER and I mean NEVER have any goods shipped via courier (ups, FedEx, purolator).
I have to agree with the above as well. As for customs with USPS, I have noticed that if my name is on the package, it has about an 90% chance of bypassing customs. If my business name is on the mailing address it is 100% guarentee to get picked up.

Usually its only the taxes, 13% in ontario, plus a handling fee. The handling fee is my only real complaint. I don't mind paying the taxes. My last order from CSUSA was $100 + $13 tx + $10 handling. I dont think Canada customs should charge me $10, to charge me taxes, when there is no other way for me to pay them. To me thats just a cash grab.
Ed, couldn't you offer FedEx as an option at checkout and let the customer decide how he wants it shipped?

Yes, and that is exactly why I started this thread.

If we do offer FedEx and then, weeks later a customer gets another bill, they will blame us. In addition, we already offer several choices of shipping, at checkout---the more we offer, the more people will choose the wrong one and want us to change it, after the order is placed. Very few understand that changing anything requires about 15 minutes with the credit card company, a little less with PayPal.

So, indeed we want to offer what customers WANT!! We are just trying not to offer "gotchas"---which is how I have always categorized FedEx and UPS internationals.

But, things change and I want to be certain my "belief" is accurate.

This thread confirms my opinion that FedEx is not a good choice.

Thanks to all who contributed!!!
Ed, couldn't you offer FedEx as an option at checkout and let the customer decide how he wants it shipped?

Yes, and that is exactly why I started this thread.

If we do offer FedEx and then, weeks later a customer gets another bill, they will blame us. In addition, we already offer several choices of shipping, at checkout---the more we offer, the more people will choose the wrong one and want us to change it, after the order is placed. Very few understand that changing anything requires about 15 minutes with the credit card company, a little less with PayPal.

So, indeed we want to offer what customers WANT!! We are just trying not to offer "gotchas"---which is how I have always categorized FedEx and UPS internationals.

But, things change and I want to be certain my "belief" is accurate.

This thread confirms my opinion that FedEx is not a good choice.

Thanks to all who contributed!!!
Not just FedEx but any courier service to Canada!
I Live in Northern BC and as my fellow Canadians have said USPS to our postal service is the only way to go . Some times I get charged fees and sometimes I don't . The postal service is a little slower but when I order stuff I take that into account but would rather pay $13.00 for a $100.00 item than $55.00 which has happened . Hard to add that to a pen to cover your costs . Why is freight and duty cheaper from Australia than the U.S. ?
Customs charges are dictated by the country you are entering. I have had to become familiar with USA entry charges and they differ, depending on how much our government dislikes their government.

Canada, and most of the rest of the world get charged less than "Communist" countries or some other "non-friendly" countries.

Perhaps Canada and Australia set their rates when they were both British colonies, who knows??

Of course, you might think that NAFTA (North American FREE Trade Agreement) would have eliminated Customs between our countries. But, then you would be using the "traditional" meaning of FREE, not the legislative definition.

Ain't importing fun???
If the product is made in the USA and shipped to Canada with the proper certificate of origin paperwork, there are no duties collected due to NAFTA. There will still be the provincial tax due no matter where it came from but no duties.
If the product is made in the USA and shipped to Canada with the proper certificate of origin paperwork, there are no duties collected due to NAFTA. There will still be the provincial tax due no matter where it came from but no duties.

Even if no duties are owed, UPS and Fedex charge the clearance fee and collect the tax owed on behalf of the government....
After going through a bad experience with a courior service, I've changed to using USPS only for shipping from the states. It may take a little longer to arrive, but, it's cheaper and it always shows up. I can't say that about couriors, and their service.
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