Can you figure it out?

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Jun 26, 2007
I'm trying to find out how many grams are in a teaspoon. I haven't found a definitive answer yet.
Maybe some of our members from the other side of the pond have a better answer than I have been able to find?
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A gram is a measurement of weight, while a teaspoon is a measurement of volume or capacity.

That part I know, but the conversion charts differ in the answer. Some say 4 some 4.2 and others 5.
There are receptacles that are sized in grams. So there has to be a conversion to volume.:confused:
A gram is a measurement of weight, while a teaspoon is a measurement of volume or capacity.

Yup, it depends on what you are measuring. Every substance will have a different conversion ratio. For what you are measuring, you can determine it experimentaly if you have an accurate scale.
one gram of water is the weight of one cc/ml of water. 4.9 cc/ml is 1 teaspoon (us). so as long as you are talking water this conversion will work. any other substance you will have to know the specific gravity (water has a specific gravity of 1.00) of the substance to convert. otherwise the conversion from a weight/mass (grams) measurement to a volume (teaspoon) measurement cannot be done.
I agree with Dennis....each substance has a different density and therefore has a different weight when a certain volume is used.....

I also base that on what I see when I get my mica powders....Each one is 1 ounce of powder but each container has a different amount of powder based on how dense it is.....

Each one will be different.
Simple - sand weighs more than flour so a teaspoon of sand will weight more than a teaspoon of flour.

So, if this is true, which is heavier_ 1000 lbs of bricks or 1000 lbs of feathers?:wink::cool:

Sorry, just couldn't resist!

They weigh the same, but a cubic yard of each one would be drastically different. (Sorry for the anti-joke there.)
Here's a good rule of thumb. 1 teaspoon is equal to 4 grams of table sugar. The conversion is a little different for each substance, but the 4:1 calculation will get you "in the ball park" with most everyday substances other than feathers, gold, lead, etc.
Simple - sand weighs more than flour so a teaspoon of sand will weight more than a teaspoon of flour.

So, if this is true, which is heavier_ 1000 lbs of bricks or 1000 lbs of feathers?:wink::cool:
Sorry, just couldn't resist!

If you really want to confuse someone, ask them which weighs more - 1 pound of lead or 1 pound of gold.

(The answer is a pound of lead)

The answer and explanation are hidden somewhere on this page.

Gold is measured in troy ounces (1 troy ounce = 1.09 reg. ounce) but there are 12 troy ounces in a pound and 16 regular ounces in a pound. So a regular pound weighs more than a troy pound.
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