Ca tips clogging

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Feb 7, 2004
Greer SC, USA.
Anyone have any advice for keeping the tips open. I use the EZ Bond and continually have to cut the tips or use a sharp pen to open.I am sure someone has a tip for this issue.Thanks
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1.) Keep the cap off; and 2.) make sure when applying glue that the tip doesn't touch the surface of the paper towel, etc. (add drops) that you are using to apply your CA finish.

So Wade, I take it you don't put the cap on your CA glues, including the thin stuff?

Nope, I have a bottle of thin and thick (don't use the medium) on the work bench near the lathe and leave both uncapped. I have been doing this your about 3 1/2 years (I gleaned this from a previous post on the IAP site) without any problems.

Caps off

After reading a few threads months ago on this same topic I found that a constant answer was to keep the caps off after opening them. I started this after reading the posts and so far it has worked for me. Never had a clogged tip again.

So caps off and I also tap them on the table to clear the CA in the tube and wipe the tip at the end of the day with acetone. Clean and clear for the next day.
I've heard others mention the caps off method but hadn't tried it myself. Is there much chance of it evaporating if you don't use it regularly?
I keep a mason jar full of acetone on my work bench. When the tip gets clogged, I take it off, drop it in the jar, replace with a clean one. You can leave them in the acetone forever and you'll always have a clean one.
1.) Keep the cap off; and 2.) make sure when applying glue that the tip doesn't touch the surface of the paper towel, etc. (add drops) that you are using to apply your CA finish.


This sounds promising and I'm going to try it myself, but I'm curious..... I have other bottles of liquid that I leave the cap off of like a squirt bottle of BLO for example that VERY QUICKLY accumulates a GLOB of saw dust, dust dust, wood chips, etc..... stuck to the tip like mashed potatoes to a chickens beak. Doesn't your superglue do the same thing?
1.) Keep the cap off; and 2.) make sure when applying glue that the tip doesn't touch the surface of the paper towel, etc. (add drops) that you are using to apply your CA finish.


This sounds promising and I'm going to try it myself, but I'm curious..... I have other bottles of liquid that I leave the cap off of like a squirt bottle of BLO for example that VERY QUICKLY accumulates a GLOB of saw dust, dust dust, wood chips, etc..... stuck to the tip like mashed potatoes to a chickens beak. Doesn't your superglue do the same thing?

No... the trick is to place drops on the paper towel. Don't allow the tip to touch whatever you are apply CA to. This way it doesn't pick up dust, lint, etc. on the CA tip.

1.) Keep the cap off; and 2.) make sure when applying glue that the tip doesn't touch the surface of the paper towel, etc. (add drops) that you are using to apply your CA finish.


This sounds promising and I'm going to try it myself, but I'm curious..... I have other bottles of liquid that I leave the cap off of like a squirt bottle of BLO for example that VERY QUICKLY accumulates a GLOB of saw dust, dust dust, wood chips, etc..... stuck to the tip like mashed potatoes to a chickens beak. Doesn't your superglue do the same thing?

First off, that is a great analogy. I wish my students would come up with stuff like that. Second, I keep my uncapped CA bottles on a little shelf that is behind me while I turn, so most of the wood chips/saw dust hit me instead of getting all over them.
I've been buying Mercury Adhesives CA and haven't had a problem with the tips clogging. They have a little different cap design that seems to work well at keeping the tip from clogging.
1.) Keep the cap off; and 2.) make sure when applying glue that the tip doesn't touch the surface of the paper towel, etc. (add drops) that you are using to apply your CA finish.


This sounds promising and I'm going to try it myself, but I'm curious..... I have other bottles of liquid that I leave the cap off of like a squirt bottle of BLO for example that VERY QUICKLY accumulates a GLOB of saw dust, dust dust, wood chips, etc..... stuck to the tip like mashed potatoes to a chickens beak. Doesn't your superglue do the same thing?

First off, that is a great analogy. I wish my students would come up with stuff like that. Second, I keep my uncapped CA bottles on a little shelf that is behind me while I turn, so most of the wood chips/saw dust hit me instead of getting all over them.

Thank you:D

This is what I was concerned about was just particulate gunk floating around and sticking to the bottle but I suppose putting them behind me sheilding them in some way would be pretty easy:)

The only thing I will add to this, as I keep mine uncapped as well, is to keep any accelerator away from the same local area, as sometimes the fumes can set off thin fairly easily.
I do store mine in two different cabinets when not in use, but do not cap the ca itself.
I leave the caps on my CA bottles, but to stop the tips clogging I let the bottle stand for a minute or so after use (to let the CA drain out of the tip) I then squeeze the bottle to expel some air, let go and suck air in, this clears the tip, no clogged tips.
It would have never crossed my mind to leave the CA uncapped. I incorrectly assumed (story of my life) that it would cure in the bottle. I now need to build a little caddy for my bottles. I have a tendency to knock them over occasionally.

Thanks guys I have again learned from you.
I went out to the shop today and discovered I left the top off a bottle of thin CA and was afraid it would be hard as a rock but I was greatly surprised.
1.) Keep the cap off; and 2.) make sure when applying glue that the tip doesn't touch the surface of the paper towel, etc. (add drops) that you are using to apply your CA finish.


This sounds promising and I'm going to try it myself, but I'm curious..... I have other bottles of liquid that I leave the cap off of like a squirt bottle of BLO for example that VERY QUICKLY accumulates a GLOB of saw dust, dust dust, wood chips, etc..... stuck to the tip like mashed potatoes to a chickens beak. Doesn't your superglue do the same thing?

First off, that is a great analogy. I wish my students would come up with stuff like that. Second, I keep my uncapped CA bottles on a little shelf that is behind me while I turn, so most of the wood chips/saw dust hit me instead of getting all over them.

Our of curiosity what do you teach?
I just wipe the tips off with an old grocery bag after each use. Hasn't generated any problems for me. The thin and medium almost never clog without wiping them down, and the thick is happy with being cleaned off every time I use it. I WOULD leave the caps off, but I'm extremely prone to the kind of accidents that would have my lathe super-glued to itself for the rest of recorded history.
Leaving the cap off would help another problem I create for myself .. that is gluing the cap to the top !!!!

I wipe the tip with acetone just in case, but end up leaving the cap on so I don't spill it !!
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