CA Glue Question

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Nov 4, 2005
Elgin, IL, USA.
So I'm new to turning pens, I'm also new to the forum, what is up everyone?! Anyway, just looking for some advice on where to get the stuff. I just got the Penn State starter kit, and I've already turned one pen... well half of one anyway... and it turned out ok, but I wasn't thrilled with the shellwax. It was nice, but I only sanded to 400 grit and didn't do any sort of sealer on it. I was thinking I would try the BLO/CA finish in combonation with the shellwax... something I picked up on Russ's website. I don't think he used the BLO though. Any comments or advice? I'm thinking these pens might be christmas gifts, the wife and I are having our second child any minute and so things are going to be tight this christmas... I made picture frames last year, but I don't think I'll have as much time in the shop this year.

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Jan 26, 2004
Hurst, TX, USA.
chuck, welcome to the group!!! and welcome to the joys of penturning!!

what's up? well, lots of penturning...i just finished getting a bunch of blanks ready to turn and turned 1 pen tonight :)

as far as finishes go, for me:

for wood pens, i use the ca/blo method...see this link for a step-by-step method (adapted from 3-4 other turners' ca/blo methods):

i occasionally use mylands friction polish..see this link for a step-by-step method:

i like several others have found the ca/blo finish to be longer lasting in its shine, and more durable...but as they say " each their own..." try different methods for yourself and then you can decide...there are quite a few write-ups on different finish methods available on this board...

for acrylics, corian, nairoc, polyester-resin, etc, i sand with 220, 320, 400 then micromesh 1800-12000... i recently started adding a final step of hut ultra gloss plastic polish, although it may be a step backward in grit, it seems to add that last little bit of shine/smooth that i prefer...

i've not tried shellwax, so i don't know how it works with ca/blo...

hth...jeff c, in foat wuth

Originally posted by chazmonro
<br />So I'm new to turning pens, I'm also new to the forum, what is up everyone?! Anyway, just looking for some advice on where to get the stuff. I just got the Penn State starter kit, and I've already turned one pen... well half of one anyway... and it turned out ok, but I wasn't thrilled with the shellwax. It was nice, but I only sanded to 400 grit and didn't do any sort of sealer on it. I was thinking I would try the BLO/CA finish in combonation with the shellwax... something I picked up on Russ's website. I don't think he used the BLO though. Any comments or advice?


Passed Away Jul 4, 2008
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Jul 5, 2004
Camden, S.C., USA.
Originally posted by chazmonro
<br />So I'm new to turning pens, I'm also new to the forum, what is up everyone?! Anyway, just looking for some advice on where to get the stuff. I just got the Penn State starter kit, and I've already turned one pen... well half of one anyway... and it turned out ok, but I wasn't thrilled with the shellwax. It was nice, but I only sanded to 400 grit and didn't do any sort of sealer on it. I was thinking I would try the BLO/CA finish in combonation with the shellwax... something I picked up on Russ's website. I don't think he used the BLO though. Any comments or advice? I'm thinking these pens might be christmas gifts, the wife and I are having our second child any minute and so things are going to be tight this christmas... I made picture frames last year, but I don't think I'll have as much time in the shop this year.

You might want to rethink your descicon to make pens.
I can't imagine a quality pen to give as a gift taking less time than a picture frame.


Group Buy Coordinator
Mar 4, 2005
Pearland, Texas, USA.
Originally posted by chazmonro
<br />So I'm new to turning pens, I'm also new to the forum, what is up everyone?! Anyway, just looking for some advice on where to get the stuff. I just got the Penn State starter kit, and I've already turned one pen... well half of one anyway... and it turned out ok, but I wasn't thrilled with the shellwax. It was nice, but I only sanded to 400 grit and didn't do any sort of sealer on it. I was thinking I would try the BLO/CA finish in combonation with the shellwax... something I picked up on Russ's website. I don't think he used the BLO though. Any comments or advice? I'm thinking these pens might be christmas gifts, the wife and I are having our second child any minute and so things are going to be tight this christmas... I made picture frames last year, but I don't think I'll have as much time in the shop this year.

Welcome to the forums. Ask all he questions you want, there's no shoch thing a s a stupid question, althought you might get a strange answer.
Anyway, I used to use Mylands friction polish when I started about 2 years ago, I since found the BLO/CA method works best for me. Others here prefer to use a lacquer finish. This method takes longer but some feel it is a better finish. Like it's been said before,try several methods and find one that suits you.
As for CA glue, I took over the CA glue Group Buy from Daniel several months ago. I now try to keep a little of each type in stock. I have it listed in my web site (see below).


Feb 26, 2005
Glen Rose, Texas, USA.
Welcome to the group and congrats on the kid. The CA finish is a great finish if you have the time to take and do it right. It is a great finish.

I agree with eagle. I cant imagine a pen taking less time than I picture frame.

And Monty is the best source to buy from. I am getting some today.


Sep 22, 2005
Billings, MT, USA.
Having made picture frames for my own photos for about 4 years during a previous life, I can guarrantee you that making a quality pen takes longer than making a quality picture frame. However, their is a lot more opportunity for creativity in pen amking and it generally costs less to make a nice pen than it does to make a nice picture frame.


Mar 15, 2004
Okemos, Michigan, USA.
I agree if all you are doing is slapping four pieces of wood together fo a frame. But if you are doing inlay or routing designs in the wood then I disagree. I've made plenty of pretty fancy frames and I've made plenty of pens and unless you are making just something simple I can't say that one is quicker than the other. In fact unless you are doing a bunch of laminating most of the frames that I've made probably took at least as long to make if not longer than most pens.


Originally posted by gerryr
<br />Having made picture frames for my own photos for about 4 years during a previous life, I can guarrantee you that making a quality pen takes longer than making a quality picture frame. However, their is a lot more opportunity for creativity in pen amking and it generally costs less to make a nice pen than it does to make a nice picture frame.


Aug 9, 2005
Marietta, GA, USA.
Here is MY OPINION of finishing:

Friction Polish is easy and looks great but wears off very easily. I quite using it quickly as I could not take the lack of durability.

Lacquer just takes too long for me to mess with. I don't have the patience.

CA/BLO seems to be a great finish for most but I could never get as good a final finish as I can with just CA.

CA finish is somewhat difficult to master but once you do it is quick and easy and such a good quality finish.

There are a lot of people using Enduro right now and I have not used it and don't even know what it is. I am so happy with CA right now I am not looking to change.
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