Bronze pens etc.

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Dec 30, 2005
St. Louis, mo, USA.
I am working on some "bronze" pens. I am about to get some bronze BE blanks from Bill Baumbeck. I know there is no "bronze" pen kit in the usa. Any ideas on how to incorporate the basic "bronze" blank with kit etc. Bronze is the basic theme. At the risk of bragging my son skated in the Bronze medal winning short track 5000 meter USA mens relay team in Torino last week. So I thought I would make some pens to remember it. I guess the pens will bring tears to my eyes every time. I waited on this project until it really happened. I did make some "olympic" Dymondwood ones with 2006 center bands before he left. I still have a few of those to finish for gifts. I would like to research this so that I don't end up with "gee I wish i knew that was available.
thanks for any ideas--usually I have some ideas when I ask the question.
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I can't offer any answers to your questions, but I think it is a great idea and go ahead and brag away. You should be very proud.
Bragging is allowed. A big 'cheers' to him and the team. That's a wild race. I don't know how they even manage to finish without pile-ups. The bronze idea is interesting, looking forward to seeing them.
Congratulations to your son (and you) [:)]

Would copper kits work? Beartoothwoods have some of those.
Congratulations, John! Dario beat me to it. I'm thinking that the satin copper Perfect Fit that Ernie sells might be pretty close. I have one posted in my album in casing and antler IIRC.
I see beartooth has some satin copper. I thought I saw some somewhere. I might give a few of those a try.

KUDos to BB who sent me 6 bronze boxelder burl blanks along with my order. I really appreciate this. Thanks BB

thanks if you have anymore ideasl please let me know. I did see some on a UK site which were brass ends.
First of all, congratulations to you and your son.

You may be able to use bronze for the pen body. I have turned brass with hand gravers before with good results. Bronze is harder to machine and tool geometry will be critical. You can use a tool steel blank and add a handle. Do a search for "gravers". Just in case the term isn't used much on this board, a graver is what watchmakers use to hand turn wheels (gears).

The pen will be fairly heavy which should be nice for a pen kept on your desk. You can get material from in round stock 12" long for about $10.


Just a thought, but if you have the brone color in the blank, why not set it off with black titanium or pearl white (or some other plating)?
Just to throw this out there. If you want to go the bronze route and can't/dont want to deal with trying to turn bronze. There's a gentleman around here the turns titanium. He might do some simple barrels for you.

Also I do know that there are some laser engravers around, They might be able to put a small version of a medal on it.

Just a thought
Couldn't you pick up a copper kit and have it plated? I know many of berea's (actual) parts are made from copper, then chrome plated, and then gold/plat/ti/whatnot plated. Check under Plating in your yellow pages, and bronzing. If baby boots can be bronzed, why not a pen kit?
You can buy bronze colored powder coating and coat the parts with that, I would go for contrasting hardware as was mentioned previously.
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