Blue Striped Click Telesto

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Sep 11, 2007
Laurence Harbor, NJ, USA.
This is a Blue stripe Click Telesto . It's a homebrew blank inspired by vintage Parker Vacumatic Striped pens . It has an aluminum core and hardware and a cigar clip . I really love these click mechanisms , they are sooooo smooth and quiet and very solid feeling . After I made the Black and White freestyle blank I said I was going to make some other color blanks , this is the blue and I'm working on a Green/Gold version now .



As Always , comments are welcome .
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Thanks for the kind words everyone . The pictures don't look as good as the blank really looks the blue really shimmers in the light .

The click mechanisms come from Richard Greenwald , I don't have the link here at work , I will add it when I get home . These clickers are for slimline sized pens , I make a reducing bushing to fit this design .

The blank is not just painted pinstripes . It is a double cast PR blank , first the blank is cast in blue then cut and recast with the black to make a solid cast PR blank that won't leak if used as an ink tank for fountain pens .

Why is the nib so big???

Not sure what you mean ? The diameter (.485") is smaller then the body of the pen (.525" at the center and .485" at the ends) , the length is the same length as all my other click Telestos .
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