Birthday pens for triplet friends

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Oct 14, 2009
Tenino, Washington
well here are a couple pens for triplet friends of mine
first in pic are a couple of acrylics in satin pearl "fancy" style slimlines
next is a blue/green dyed curly maple
was just gonna be blue but i sanded through the CA in spots by accident taking off some blue. very dissapointed i turned off the lathe knowing it would look bad to apply more blue stain, when i remembered an IAP member's signature phrase "there are no mistakes in turning, only happy accidents"
can't remember whose that was but anyway, i applied green stain instead of blue, and whataya know. BAM!!! i put it on a chrome "non-fancy" style slimline i just recieved from an IAP member (thanks man these are great!)

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for some reason i can never get maple to look good in pics. the blue and green are much more vibrant in real life and the curls stand out more
Curly woods can usually benefit by making the photo darker.
They're curly because they're catching and reflecting so much light.
If you darken them in your photo program, they may show up as
more vibrant colors and higher contrast. Just a thought..
Lovely work and a good save!

Zanar the next time you are dying curly wood apply a coat of black dye first, then gently cut back with 1500 micromesh, this will leave dark and light stripes (Zebra).

Then apply your favourite colour as normal, the end result is bolder colours and a more prominant curl for all to admire.

yes i've been meaning to try that- my dad mentioned a similar process, he called it black cherry?? sounds sweet. will RIT dye work, its all i have for black?
yes i've been meaning to try that- my dad mentioned a similar process, he called it black cherry?? sounds sweet. will RIT dye work, its all i have for black?

Zandar I have not heard of the dye you have, but I suppose if it is for wood it will work OK, even a bottle of black food colouring would do the job. I use Chestnut dyes to dye my blanks and the black base coat really makes a difference.

Mark :)
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