Birthday Bash 2012!!

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Dec 2, 2009
I like the Birthday bash. I like it last year, I liked it this year. I didn't participate that much this year, but that was due to my own personal stuff here at home.

I did miss writing a crazy story for the liars thing. That was fun.

Even though I didn't win anything, I don't think the prizes are the important part, it's the camaraderie.

David Keller

Nov 30, 2009
I only have this and last year's bashes to compare, but I thought this year's bash was phenomenal... I didn't win a thing, and I really enjoyed it(the bash, not the losing). The crossword puzzles were fun although I only managed to complete the first. I looked forward to the trivia everyday, and I enjoyed seeing the prizes that were won by others. I thought the auctions were really fun, and I'm convinced that Ed could sell ice water to eskimos(and convince them to get a set of IAP glasses to hold it).

I agree with a few previous posters about potentially posting the pen contests rules before the bash begins. I generally have very little time for turning, so being able to plan and brainstorm ahead of time would increase the likelihood of me(and perhaps others) entering a pen into one of the contests.

For newbies, a sticky on the front page outlining the various contests might elicit more participation... Sort of like the itinerary/outline that you get when you go to a business meeting or conference.

The prizes donated this year were above and beyond anything I might have expected. I hope others will join me in supporting those sponsors with our business throughout the year. When you place an order, it wouldn't hurt to add a little note saying, "Thanks for sponsoring the IAP birthday bash."

Thanks to the organizers for taking the time to do what you do... It's appreciated.


IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
If you could dictate the date that rules and guidelines for the various contests were posted, how soon before February would that be?
Aug 5, 2009
Millersburg, OR
I think it would be nice to know what kind of supplies would be needed for the bash about 30 days ahead because I buy my pen supplies 3 to 4 times a year. I wouldn't need to know the rules just what supplies I may need.
I liked the crossword puzzles,
I think it would be good to have some contests end mid month. It's exciting and motivating to see winning pens.
Maybe a home cast pen contest?
As for trivia, James did most of the work, I just posted the questions. I would be willing to help again next year.


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
I didn't actually participate a lot in the bash. Sort of how things are for me at the moment. But I loved the addition of the crossword puzzle. And I hate crossword puzzles.
Overall I see the bash is improving quite a bit. Better management, organization and good ideas. It is a big event and I have always thought it was long for those that have to manage it. I am not sure how the entire thing could be shortened. maybe by listing contests that require members make a pen etc. be announced before hand. sort of like if you have an up coming art contest. you start preparing your entry well ahead of time. But the show, judging and awards all happen in a very short period of time while most people are active and looking. I like the bash the way it is and am just hoping that my comments spark some thinking on how to make it better for the worker bees.
The Memorial Contest was in a class of it's own. thanks to all involved for bringing that one.


Sep 11, 2007
Laurence Harbor, NJ, USA.
The concept of waiting until the bash begins to post the rules for the pen contests is that the pen should be made for the bash and made during the bash . I made the rules as simple as possible to ensure that everyone could compete on a level playing field . The only rules on the beginners and beautiful pen contests was that the pen must be a ballpoint and should be made for the bash and not shown before the bash begins . With those rules the need for posting the rules early is really a non issue since almost everyone here should have a ballpoint kit in stock and this year everyone was given extra time to complete a pen , last year the contests were staggered and only a week was given to complete the entry pen . I have no problem with posting the rules early but see no real need for it .
As for having sub catagories or more contests , that is not a problem but there is a point where there could be too many contests . Since there is only 1 month to work with and time needs to allocated for judging and polls if there are too many contests the time to build the best pen you can will create problems for those who want to enter more then one contest .
While I do like the idea of a segmented pen contest I don't think the idea of limiting the beautiful pen contest to a non segmented contest is a good idea and will limit the creativity for this contest .
If anyone thinks I'm wrong on the pen contests or has any ideas on making them better , please post them here or PM me and we can talk about the ideas . Just remember that we are trying to get the greatest partipication in these contests the general membership .


IAP Activities Manager
Staff member
Jul 5, 2009
Fort Myers FL
The concept of publishing the contest rules before the month starts would be for the benefit of the newer members that have not partaken of a bash event before. With the exception of the freestyle pen contest the other contests revolve around kits that are usually easily available and have been made by almost every one. You should be able to make a kit pen in less than two weeks. Even with the modifications like the modified cigar contest. The freestyle event as it plays out requires you to design a pen fom scratch to be competitive. They posted the rules at the begining of the month which was different than last year when they were posted at the begining of the contest. I feel that alone was much better for the members this year. I see no need to post them earlier than the start of the month.A Segmented pen contest in addition to the beautiful pen contest would be great. Do not exclude the segmented pens from entry into the beautiful pen contest.



Apr 20, 2007
Bowie, MD, USA.
If you could dictate the date that rules and guidelines for the various contests were posted, how soon before February would that be?

I have been through the thread and this is the one item that jumped out at me. My schedule (and shop temperature) does not always permit me to build a pen in February! If rules were posted January 1, it would give a head's up that A)the bash is coming and B)get off your #4%^ and make a pretty pen!

I also like the idea of a contest deadline each week...keep the polls and prizes working throughout the month.

Another comment that I noticed was different classifications for pens (cast vs wood vs segmenting). I would love to see awards in have their 4 "c"s, maybe pens can too....cast, cut, clean,, it's early!

Great job to all the planners, lots of fun this year tho' I do have an issue with that dang random number picker!


Sep 1, 2007
Midlands, United Kingdom.
I think a separate segmented pen comp would be a great idea! There are so many good examples just in this years bash nevermind the ones in previous years.



Passed Away Aug 14, 2013
In Memoriam
Oct 17, 2007
Chadron, Ne, USA.
I do like the idea of the seg contest. It could be a twist on an an existing contest or a contest all its own depending on the circumstances at the time but I would agree to its inclusion in some form.


Apr 8, 2008
Keenesburg, CO
I thought the BASH was a great success. I looked forward to the trivia contest each day. I really enjoyed the crossword puzzles even if they were tough. One reason I don't do crosswords that much. Having the 'answer' check on for it was great. I liked being able to print out the 2nd puzzle with the clues printed. Puzzle 1 and 3, I couldn't find a way to print it out with the clues. Probably a 'software enhancement feature', not under our control.
It did seem to slow in the middle of the month, guess that is when we should have been working on our pens for the contest. But I too would like to see the contest and rules posted a month in advance so I could get to thinking about some ideas.
Overall, this is to help support the web site and all the work that goes into it to make it a great place. It seems to do a wonderful job of fulfilling that objective. Maybe we could also 'stock-up' IAP logo items during this time and make it available for purchase during the bash.
THANKS to all on the BASH team. I look forward to the opportunity to learn more each day and to dig a little deeper into the site during BASH.


Nov 30, 2007
Bothwell, Ontario, Canada.
I enjoyed this years bash maybe a little more than other years. Maybe because I won a trivia this year for the first time. While some thought the answers were to easy I still got one wrong, it made me search through the forum with the expectation the answer could be found. The way the drawing was held was pretty fair, random chance if your name got picked then if you had the right answer you got the prize. Saved a lot of work for those running it as well not having to sort through all the replies to weed out any incorrect ones first. I'm totally useless at crosswords so I just played around with a couple of those didn't even get close to finishing one.

Rules for the penmaking contests posted a month or so ahead of time would be a big help. If those of us in Canada don't have the parts on hand and the one Canadian supplier I can count on doesn't have them the contest is pretty much over by the time we could get the parts. I think the 6 month cutoff for beginners was a good point, after that I think the vast majority of us progress pretty quickly.

Auctions are good although being on a pension by the time I even find them they are usually well past my price range.

All in all a great bash. I compete where I can not expecting to win anything and if I do it's a bonus. I look forward to it each year.
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