Big Sierra Problems

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Nov 20, 2007
Nr Vancouver, BC
After telling my local gallery I would have more pens in for them today I set about making 6 Sierra's - good quality; Gold/Ti, Platinum, Pearl Silver and another I can't remember at this point. I had never made a Sierra before so I was very careful with the callipers. When it came to putting the pens together they inside barrel dimension is bigger than the nib. So much so that on a couple it won't stay on at all it's so loose, while others it will go on, but is so loose it turns and turns and turns and doesn't really open or close.

Any ideas of a fix?????
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Only the top part gets pressed in. The lower part just gets installed with hand pressure and should stay. Just put the nib and transmission assembly together and then shove it in to the top part. If it still doesn't work, stop trying to make it complicated. It is confusing because it is too simple. Or you just got a bad one.;)

Also, make sure you are not using tubes for the sierrs click pens, they are longer.

The Sierra is a loose fit at the nib end and it is only when assembling the pen fully, ie, connecting the transmission to the nib and screwing it into the clip end that it all comes together.

There is no easier pen to make and assemble.

What Johnnie said. The Sierra does not fit tight at the junction of the top end and nib end. After totally assemblying the nib end with the ink refill and the cap is put on top of that, then the top part of that fits tight inside the upper end - of the cap end.
Is it tight enough that you could glue the nib in place with epoxy? Thats the only fix that comes to mind for me, though I'm new at this and haven't had much experience. I am also in the process of building my first Sierra and will definately check the fit before I start. Thanks for the heads up.
Good luck.
OK, I understand what you are all saying. I must be doing something weird because the cap end pushed in nicely, however, the nib end is loose...if I was able to do a big flick with my finger it would go spinning around and around. I will check on the fitting tomorrow.


The cap end is a press fit as you've discovered. With the nib, put your refill in and then screw on the transmission. The nib end, with the transmission fitted to it, is then pushed into the barrel where it will mate with the cap end and hold firm. While you can still just pull it apart again, it is usual practice (to access and change the refill) to uscrew the nib from the barrel leaving the transmission in the barrel.

I'm sure you'll work it out OK tomorrow when you get back to them.
Did you insert the ink into the nib and screw on the transmission before inserting it into the other part? If you did this and are still having a problem, you may have a bad kit, but I have never seen one myself. But they must exist.:) I will get one every once in a while that doesn't want to turn at all. I just put on a little wax and it helps. But whatever you do, DON'T use glue. Sorry, don't mean anything by that kitty.[B)]
Hi Ruth,
I insert the refill into the nib end and screw the transmission on. Press the finial into the finished tube (I can usually do this by hand). Push the top part with the finial over the transmission until the tube seats against the bottom half. I usually make sure the barrel turns freely on the bottom half before pressing in the clip and finial. When changing the refill unscrew the top half - don't pull it off. If you pull it on and off after a while it will be too loose to operate the transmission properly. - Hope this makes sense.

BTW - on 1 of mine I can pull the finial off with my hand. I will put some Loc-tite on it and push it back on. I think it's the red stuff (or is it Loc-tite blue?) - anyway it's the stuff you can break loose if you need to later on. I also use Loc-tite on Baron finials to keep them from working loose and allowing the clip to "spin" .... but that's another story.
OK, I know I can't have turned them too large as I used the mill to clean up the ends and I can clearly see brass. Since these are the first I made I was careful to actually read the instructions as I was going along. I did insert the pen into the nib (with spring) and then screwed the transmission in. I will print this thread out and take it to my shop tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes tomorrow night. I can't have bought so many that are all screwed so it has to be something I have done. Thanks everyone.
Thanks Johnnie, I'm not the yoga kind but I appreciate the sentiment.....she says as her hand reaches again for her wine glass......this wil relwax me jusht frine
On the finial end there should be a piece of brass tube that goes into the tube. That is what engages the transmission. Make sure that it is long enough to meet the tranny and that it isn't so big that it isn't grasping the tranny.

Quick check would be to to lay one down next to the tube so that the press fitting is flush to the end and do the same with the nib end. You should have at least 1/4 inch overlap.
Ruth, How did you make out with the Sierras? I hope putting them down and walking away from them helped. I always find that a little break when things aren't going right, helps me to see things clearly.:)
Hi Johnnie,
I have only been in from my shop for about half an hour. I took some pics and will get them up later. I was thinking of you earlier and was going to post with a heading saying you were correct. I don't have a CLUE what I was doing yesterday, but no matter what I did the nib fitting just didn't fit at all. I got to the shop this afternoon, picked up the 1st one.....perfect fit. and the 2nd, and the third......and the 4&5 I decided I could probably tweak a little more wood off, but as for fitting, no problem. Go figure. I actually spent a while yesterday trying all sorts of things. Maybe the munchkins went in overnight and fixed everything?

The one idiotic thing I did was sand of a tiny bit of the pearl silver at the base of the clip. I wanted to touch up the shine on the barrel. Guess I could sell it as a discount but will probably keep it for myself.

Thanks for all of the tips that you all posted, they were very much appreciated.
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