Best New Article - Winners Posted!!

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Lead Moderator
Staff member
Aug 4, 2007
middle of nowhere in the great, white North
As there might not be an Oscar or Emmy celebration this year, we at the IAP may now have the most prestigious voting award ceremony of 2008! Welcome to the Red Carpet Event of 2008…

In no particular order, the nominees for Best New Article of 2008 are…

1. Celtic Knot by Gary Greenburg

2. Writing a Tutorial by Scott Greaves

3. Vacuum/Pressure Pot by Steve Swiger

4. Cartridge Pen(How To Drill A Bullet) by Rick Herrell

5. Worthless Wood by Curtis Seebeck

6. Bandsaw Upgrade, Benchtop by Steven Jackson

7. Aluminum Pens by Steven Jackson

The rules are simple.

1. Read the above articles, and decide on your favourite.
2. Send me an email at indicating which article you think is the Best Article of 2008!
3. YOU MUST include your IAP name in the body of the message somewhere!
4. You can only vote once
5. Yes, you can vote for yourself if you really want to!

Edit: OK, now I've screwed up! I've received a lot of emails, and many of them have similar names...I've emailed a few of you to ask for your IAP names so that I can make sure no one votes twice, but if you do not email your IAP name from now on, your vote will not be counted! If you vote more than once, both votes will be discarded. Sorry about the mistake, everyone! I thought I was prepared!! [V]

To those of you who nominated an article (and were the first to do so) in the other thread, I have a surprise for you. If your author wins, you win too!

Author - miniature Ashley Iles 3/16 round nose scraper, (Tools for working Wood)
Nominator - Box of assorted blanks (Tuba707)

Author - Henry Taylor Diamond Parting Tool (Craft Supplies)
Nominator - set of rifle cartridges for slimlines. 308 and 30-06 in brass and nickel. (Sylvanite)

Author - $50.00 assortment of pen blanks of Dale's choice (Dale-the-Burl-Guy)
Nominator - Blanks (mrcook4570)

Best of luck to all who were nominated! Now lets all vote on our favourite article of 2007! Voting will end on January 15th, at 6pm, forum time! That gives you plenty of time to read the articles, and perhaps learn something new! :)


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I hope everybody is busy reading these articles! There are some good ones! There should be hundreds of people voting on these! Come on, vote! :)

Even if you're not voting, reading these articles has tremendous value.
I've been turning just over a year and I feel like I've been at it for years.
Now, if my work would just catch up to what I think I've learned, I'd be ok. :(
Seriously, I'm just an average pencrafter yet I feel I've done some decent work and it's because of what I've learned.
Most of that knowledge comes from reading all the articles that've been shared here.
Wow, these are all great. Well written. Even I can understand them!
Get your vote in (or votes if you are a Chicagoan) or these guys won't be revealing their secrets anymore.

I for one am so appreciative of all you folks who give up your valuable time to enrich other members lives. Well done! [8D]
Ok, Drumroll Please - The ballots are in! It was really close (especially for third place), so I had someone else count them all up too, and we both came up with the same numbers, so all is well! All the articles were great; congratulations to everyone who was nominated!

May I have the envelopes please.

Third place
goes to Rick Herrell for his Cartridge Pen article. Lee Thomas (Firefyter-emt)wins a prize just for nominating him!
Rick wins:$50.00 assortment of pen blanks of Dale's choice (Dale-the-Burl-Guy)
Lee wins: Assorted Blanks (mrcook4570)

Second place
goes to Gary Greenburg for his article on Celtic Knots, and Dean Charlier (alphageek) for nominating him.
Garry wins: Henry Taylor Diamond Parting Tool (Craft Supplies)
Dean wins: set of rifle cartridges for slimlines (Sylvanite)

And the winner is
Curtis Seebeck for his article on Worthless Wood! Curtis was nominated by Steven Jackson (skiprat)
Curtis wins: miniature Ashley Iles 3/16 round nose scraper, (Tools for working Wood)
Steven wins: Box of assorted blanks (Tuba707)

Congratulations to all the winners, and to all the nominees! Everyone received votes, and it was quite close, so kudos all around!

Winners need to send me an email with their address and phone number. Please also include the name of the contest, and the prize that you have won, in the email!

Edited for spelling - sorry Gary! :D
Congrats to the winners. Curtis, you deserve this. Your article and most of all your method has changed how I deal with "worthless Wood".
Good job all around!;)
Congratulations Curtis and Gary, but the big winner here is the IAP library. I "lurked" for months before I joined and in that time read EVERY article. Thanks to ALL, past and present, who have written articles in the library.
Thanks y'all. Congratulations Curtis.
I'll be using your article when I get a casting setup going.
I'll take Rick's comment one step farther -- the big winnners are those folks who read the articles and learn something new. I've read every article -- even the ones related to making something I wasn't specifically interested in doing -- to see what knowledge could be gleaned from it. I highly recommend it. ;)

Thanks again.
Congrats to the winners... Special thanks to Gary - Not only for writing an article that I personally used, but also for having it good enough to win.

This is kinda cool for me. Having nominated it, I get to try something else new that I've never done. Gonna have to go re-read Ricks article now.
Cool:D I won a prize for picking the winner. [:I]
Thanks Andrew for doing it and thanks Tuba for the blanks. ( hope you don't mind shipping[:I])
Congratulations to the winners! You guys deserve it!

I have found that everybody has something to offer to the IAP. If you are doing something that works really well for you, please consider writing an article about it for our site! Don't know how? There's even an article to help you with that! [8D]

Curtis, you are going to love that little round-nose scraper!

Andrew, thank you for running this contest! Excellent!

Each and everyone of these "authors" is a winner IMHO. But since there was a contest I offer my most sincere congratulations to the winners of the contest.

I, as well as others here at the IAP, do indeed appreciate all the hard work that everyone has performed in making the IAP Forum one of, if not the best source of penturning information on the Internet.

Originally posted by Fred_erick

Each and everyone of these "authors" is a winner IMHO. But since there was a contest I offer my most sincere congratulations to the winners of the contest.

I, as well as others here at the IAP, do indeed appreciate all the hard work that everyone has performed in making the IAP Forum one of, if not the best source of penturning information on the Internet.


Very well put Fred.
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