Berea and BB new Sedona's

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Jul 31, 2005
Yuma Az
Three new Sedona's from BB and Berea. The photo taking is realy lacking but I am working on it. Top and bottom is desert ironwood and the center one is amboyna burl.I think these pens are going to be a big hit. I really like the new center bands.

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Are the tube lengths the same? I believe they are the same size as well right?
Great looking pens.
Tubes are the same,bushings, and drill bits, the only thing I have found is be careful when pressing the center coupler in to be sure the little ring on the center piece is in place. Reed
Not too sure about this new kit. I might warm up to it later but for now it isn't getting to me.

The DI on the front though...that looks amazing!!! I bet it just glows in person.

The end cap bug me a little, like jthompson said, looks out of proprtion. Will certainely make a nice looking closed end pen. I think i still prefer the churchill. As for the nib, i never liked the facet(sp?) nib. I'm probably old fashion but i still like round nib.

I like the CB and the clip is OK but the rounded ends don't do anything for me. I also think a round nib looks better than a faceted one. Like arioux said it will look good as a closed end pen and a Baron pin chuck will work so no extra expense there.
To All,

The new Sedona pen is basically the same size as the Baron pen. The way the pens were displayed in Reed's picture caused the 'lower' pen to look much larger than the 'top' pen.

The Sedona is in no way as large as a Churchill. The Sedona takes the same tubes and bushings as the Baron (that should have given you a hint). [:)]

Bill Baumbeck
Arizona Silhouette
The look of that pen style is not speaking to I might have to make a couple and see what they say then...
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