Banksia Hairy pod pens with painted tubes...!

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Aug 6, 2009
Australia - SA Adelaide Hills
Hi peoples,

I receive and email from a fellow that got a pack of the Banksia Hairy pods Resifill pen blanks and I asked him to send some pics of the pens when done so, today I received the pics of 3 beautiful fountain pens and a thank you for writing the tutorial about handling these blanks, apparently the first attempt blow up, he then decided to actually read then tutorial, that he knew was there all along, you know the type that read the instructions at the end...!:wink::biggrin:

I suppose, he though in try on his own accord, and treat it as any other blanks, big mistake he admitted...!

Anyway, he endup follow the instructions and the next 3 blanks endup as 3 magnificent pens that, I request permission to show on IAP, and that's when I learn that, this person is a new member his name is lrathbun and he haven't posted much so, he was happy for me to show the pics of the pens and I told him that I was got to give his name, as he was the one to make them so, he deserves some recognition for his work...!

I have indicated a few times that, I believed that, some light and bright colours on the tubes, could be a great combination, the exemplification I have shown on a simple way to try different colours for the tube, before actually have them painted, using the coloured kids markers, did show some potential with some of the colours I used but, seeing a complete pen in a nice kit with tubes painted in less usual colours, did validate my thoughts that, those sort of colours can be a great option.

I like all 3 pens/colours but the one I like the most is the one where the tube looks like painted with the Red Russet Pearlex powder we use on the resins, while the effect is actually some of the yellow of the brass showing through the red paint, the idea to use hammered paints or any other paints that can produce more than just a flat colour/finish, are certainly to be considered, in my view...!

OK so, here they are, enjoy and, well done lrathbun...!:wink::biggrin:

Blue Banksia FP.jpg
Red Banksia FP.jpg
Tan Banksia FP.jpg

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Fantastic looking pens and blanks. I like that the tube colors bring out more detail of the hairy pods. The red one would be my choise. Jim S
Terrific pens,lrathbun.
Superb Blanks, George, and thank you for posting the different painting, and its visual impact.
The Blue is striking, the Red is fantastic, the Tan is good, for me it's the Red Choice.
Good Fit and Finish,
Three Classy pens.
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