Back to wood....

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Warren White

Aug 27, 2014
Livermore, CA
... I have been turning acrylic pens for a while, and decided it was time to get back to my roots.

These three pens are from Thespesia Populnea (Pacific Rosewood) that I got from a vendor in Hawaii. Easy to turn, easy to finish; not a lot of figure, but a very deep and rich color.

I appreciate being able to share and also to see the beauty in each of the items posted on this forum.


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Thank you!

Edohmann, the vendor was Islewoods. i found him on

Derek, About 99% of the pens I turn are these slimlines. They are from Craft Supply. I really like them, and they fit my hand. I like the larger pen kits as well, but they are just too large for the folks I give the pens to.

Thanks again! My friend just gave me a piece of Flowering Plum with some neat figure. That will be next.
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