Australian Colonial Red Gum Burl PEN blanks...!

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Aug 6, 2009
Australia - SA Adelaide Hills
Hi everyone,

Here they are...!:wink:

This offer is exclusively to members from Overseas, Australian members have their chance through my eBay store (address on my signature), already active.

There is no other reason than, as always, reduce the blanks price to assist out fellow members overseas which are always "slashed" with a ridiculous amount in shipping costs.

The number of blanks I'm offering for sale here is about 1/3 of what I've got done so, if anyone misses out, regardless where you are, you will find them at my eBay store until stock lasts, obviously...!:wink::biggrin:

I have put together 8 packs/groups, 6 of then are of 6 blanks and 2 are of 3 blanks. This was specifically done to make things easier and cheaper for our friends in the US, which have now this new Customs sub-charge for anything over 500gr, to make things even worse so, the 6 blanks groups will fit in a box under 500gr. not attracting the Customs sub-charge, if going to the US.

The 2 groups of 3 blanks each, are for those with little money to spend but want to try these blanks, the 3 blank pack will fit in a 250gr box for AU$11.05 shipping.

So, and to simplify things, it works like this;

*- 6 blanks packs to USA or Canada is, AU$12.00 + AU$17.20 = AU$29.20

*- 3 blanks packs to USA or Canada is, AU$6.00 + AU$11.05 = AU$17.05

*- For any other overseas locations, please request shipping quote...!

NOTE: Only 1 pack/group per person, please...!:)

Please, make your order in this thread, orders made by PM would not be valid, thank you...!

10% of blanks sales will be donated to IAP, as normal...!:wink:

Payments by Paypal, only.
Make your order and I will send you a PM with the payment details, thanks...!

OK, here we go...!

Good luck!

PS: The sun was setting fast and was a bit of a struggle to get pics without reflection from the wax covering only 1 face of the blank, for colours enhancement so, pics are taken in all sorts of positions, if the number in the blanks is confusion, look at the group number written on the top of the pic...!


Group - 1

Group - 2

Group - 3

Group - 4

Group - 5

Group - 6

Group - 7

Group - 8
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G'day peoples,

Before I forget again, for those that aren't aware of this wood's story or should I say, how I manage to "score" it, here is the thread I open about it

Rchan63, BuffaloBill, nativewooder, your orders are confirmed and payment details have been forwarded, thanks...!

Thanks nativewooder, your payment has been received and will be shipped tomorrow...!:wink:

I'm also thinking in putting some of these blanks "shorts", between 2.5" & 3.5" approx. @ AU$1.00 each, for sale here, same deal, either 250gr or 500gr packs, is there any interest or would I be waisting my time...???

Let me know...!

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G'day everyone,

Amazing how wrong sometimes I can be, I though that, these 8 groups wouldn't last more than a few hours after advertised and that, was a good possibility that I would have to make up a few more groups for sale in here but, I can see that is no need to worry, these seem to be plenty, after all...!:)

Was funny another day when I got an email from one of our good friends from IAP, and he was mentioning how expensive is to get blanks from me, even tough he stated that, what I sell is normally not seen anywhere else.

I replied by saying that, even tough it seems that way, I could be given away the blanks for free and they would still cost $3.00 per blank to get to him (USA)...!:eek:

I have tried to get better shipping overseas prices that those of Australian post and 99.9% of the freight companies I contacted, are even more expensive , some to the rate of double or more. They claim that they are faster and that all items are traceable but, you pay a dear price for that, no doubt.

I have constantly seen other people selling wood from Australia (South Australia) in particular, not that would make much difference anyway, that have absolutely "killer" shipping prices for overseas sales and while I only wish I could get those sort of prices, the reality is that, these "Companies/Businesses" have a phenomenal amount of traffic/sales overseas and Nationally, allowing them to have special rates/prices as a result.

As everyone know, (I think) I'm no business nor I want to be, my sales volume compared with those guys, is like comparing an ant with an elephant and that is how I want it to be so, the freight/shipping prices I'm offered by Australia Post are exactly the same as anyone else...!:frown:

Being perfectly aware of all this, every time I decide to share some of my finds with my IAP friends, brings back this old issue, to which I have no solution so, for those that miss out because they can't afford the shipping costs, I sincerely apologize...!:frown:

On another note, the 3 orders so far, have been paid and the parcels have been posted...!:wink:

Thank you!

WTH........ I'll give a go at group two. Send me the info and I'll send the $aus.
Will be Sunday before I can ante up though.
I spent 6 weeks in Brisbane, Townsville, Cairns years ago (U.S.Army adventure) and I'd like to try some Australian wood.
Is Castlemaines XXXX beer still available? Spent too much Australian currency on that stuff. That and a T shirt sucked up my souvenir money. :biggrin:
What's the shipping like to the UK?on these sets or the shorts?


The shipping costs to the UK are AU$12.85 for the 250gr and AU$20.80 for the 500gr. I stress again the point that, in the shipping prices quoted the box required @ AU$1.50 is already included in the sipping prices I provided and that all prices refer to Regular AIR-MAIL service...!

I hope this answer your question...!

theidlemind, Yeah..., that XXXX stuff still as "deadly" and "soaked" in large quantities today, pretty much anywhere, apart from the NT (Northern Territory) where the "juice" of choice to "fit in, up there" is the VB, mostly known as the green can...!:eek:

Well, you probably got a "few XXXX's" into you and the shirts aren't that expensive but, a good excuse never the less...!:wink::biggrin:

A PM with payment details has been sent...!

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Can You let me have a price for no.7 ,along with some of the shorts if possible.thanks.

Sure mate,

The shorts will put you over the economical first stage, unless you want to go for the 1kg package. I have about 50 shorts from 2.5" to 3.5" that are exactly the same as the long ones, including the identification in the blanks and the wax, I can't say that I can fit twice of the shorts on the other 500gr as they all need the be 2.5" for that but I can put 9 full blanks and then top up with the shorts until I get the 1kg package, including the box, bubble rap, paper work and tape...!

Australia Post works on increments of 250gr. up to 2kg and them 500gr increments after that to the max. weight limit of 20kg. The Australia Post Web Freight Calculator I use is found in here
For the first 1kg, it will work like this;

The 6 blanks are about 420gr + the box at 70gr + bubble rap + paper work + tape is all I can do to get at least 499gr, as 501gr. will incur the $9.00 US Customs sub-charge and it also attracts the next weight "step/level/set charge from Australia Post which is 750gr @ AU$23.35, including the $1.50 for the box.

So, what this mean is, these 6 blanks will cost you approx. AU$5.00 each, in your hands, the next step up will be the 750gr and 9 blanks, this will cost you, $18.00 + $23.35 + $9.00 = $50.35, this would represent AU$5.60 per blank.

The next step up is the 1kg, and this will work like this, 13 blanks (I game enough weight on every 250gr to add 1 more blank) @ $2.00 each = $26.00 + $29.50 (including the box) + $9.00 ( US customs sub-charge) = AU$64.50, this would represent AU$4.96 per blank.

While the 1kg package works always "slightly" better, not everyone has 65 bucks to invest in one go, and I was trying to void selling too many blanks to one person, making other to miss out.

The money is not the issue here, otherwise I wouldn't bother, I'm trying to help as many people as I can and be fair to everyone, while this sound simple, in reality never works perfectly but, I try.

I'm sure you understand my point so, if the 1kg package is what you would like, you only have to pay (Paypal me) AU$64.50 instead of AU$29.20, making sure to make a note in the payment description, just to remind me...!

I wish that I could do something about the shipping costs but, the cheapest way would be using SEA-MAIL, which does take about 12 weeks in average to arrive. This can be an agonizing wait and not applicable or acceptable to many and the prices aren't that much cheaper, really...!
*- 250gr with box --- AU$8.55
*- 500gr " " --- AU$13.70
*- 750gr " " --- AU$16.85
*- 1kg " " --- AU$21.00

These are all US prices, the UK prices are AU$28.75 Regular Air-Mail & AU$16.85 for SEA-mail for 750gr and AU$36.70 Air-mail, AU$21.00 SEA-mail for 1kg.

If you compare the shippings charges I provided previously with these ones, the difference is not much. In fact, the difference is more noticeable after 10kg up to the 20kg max. allowed...

NOTE: Some will recognize this same text was sent to them in response to they "identical" inquires about prices over the 500gr , in fact, this is "copy and past" from some of those PM so that I can be "uniform" with my answers, sorry!

In general, shipping costs are similar if not the same for US (without the US Customs sub-charge), Canada and many other countries, UK is a little more expensive but no extra sub-charges there...!:wink:

I hope this helps others to know how it works...!

darcisowers, the #5 is yours mate, no problems. Pm on its way...!

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Hi peoples,

darcisowers and theidlemind, blanks on their way...!:wink:

I've edited the pics of the groups sold with "SOLD" on them, I expect everyone to be able so see them edited, if not, the groups still available are 3, 4, and 7(waiting on conformations from 3Peake).

Back to my cave I go...!!!:)


As per our PM, I'll take either #7 or #3, your choice as to what you feel are the best specimens to send. Paypal has already been made. Looking forward to them.

G'day everyone,

Don't worry mate, we all go through those times every so often...! Next time.:wink:

I'm sending you the group#3, not that is any difference I can see from #7 and the others but, because you made me decide. My criteria was based on numerical order.:biggrin:

It missed the post today but will be on its way tomorrow (Thursday)...!:wink:

George, the Colonial red gum blanks came today and they are outstanding!:biggrin:

Thanks mate, that's great news on all "angles"...!:wink:

What did you notice on the blanks you received that didn't show in the pics...??? tell us...!:biggrin:

The same was done to every one else, to void "extra" expenses...!:confused::rolleyes::)

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George, the Colonial red gum blanks came today and they are outstanding!:biggrin:

Thanks mate, that's great news on all "angles"...!:wink:

What did you notice on the blanks you received that didn't show in the pics...??? tell us...!:biggrin:

The same was done to every one else, to void "extra" expenses...!:confused::rolleyes::)


Is not often that I quote myself but this time I tough important to explain a little what I meant with my question to nativewooder, that he probably didn't noticed.

All blanks have had their square corner cut to stay inside of the require total weight of 500gr or 250gr. I could have probably voided this if I had cut the blanks at my normal dimensions but, and as I advised in the beginning, I cut the blanks a little oversize for those big pen kits out there so, that have increased the total weigh, which I could also resolved by simply offering 5 blanks instead of 6 and 2 1/2 blanks instead of 3.

Anyway, I do this often to utilize the most I can out of the few grams I have to work with and the corner cut, do not, interfere with normal processes of pen making...!:wink: So now, every know:biggrin:

OK so, is time to close this thread/add, thanking everyone that order them, enjoy working with them and don't forget to show us some pics of those finished pens, please...!:wink:


Total blanks sales, 33 blanks @ AU$2.00 each + AU$66.00 x 10% IAP donation = $AU6.60

This amount will be forward to IAP immediately...!

Thank you,


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