arrrrgh-screwed up-help?

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Apr 18, 2007
Daphne, Al. USA
I was turning a European and screwed up big. That's the one that only has three bushings when you really need four. I started by putting my blanks on the mandrel in the opposite order I normally do, stupid me:confused: and of course I did the obvious. Forgetting they were on backwards I proceeded to turn the top down to the bushings as if it was the nib section.:redface::mad:

So, now what do I do? I'd hate to throw the blank away as it's looking really nice. Can I modify the pen? Maybe make the long blank the top or perhaps make it into some other pen.

Yeah I know, next time I'll make my own bushing and be sure not to reverse the blanks.:rolleyes:
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Making the long blank the top means the shorter one with the tenon would have to have the nib. You could do it & still put the tenon in the center. But is it really worth it? Just turn it off the tubes & chalk it up to the dad gummit thing. I always set mine up with the nib to headstock & been a couple times I darn near goofed.
If it is really outstandingly gorgeous blank and you can't bear to lose it then there are two things you can do. The first is find someone to cast it in PR for you and then turn it down again. The second is apply many coats of thick CA to build it up to where you need it.

If it isn't worth that much effort and it is a 7mm top and bottom pen, then a slim line seems to be in your future. You could even make it a modified slimline so that it looks Euro-esque. Or, turn the wood off and start with fresh blanks.

maybe use some pick guard material and do what I call an oops ring. Glue up some attractive pick guard material to a blanks that had small blow outs has worked for many of us. Not all added embellishments on some very attractive pens was planned when we started turing a pen. Some call this a secret, others admit it and call it for what it is...thus the "oops ring"
maybe use some pick guard material and do what I call an oops ring. Glue up some attractive pick guard material to a blanks that had small blow outs has worked for many of us. Not all added embellishments on some very attractive pens was planned when we started turing a pen. Some call this a secret, others admit it and call it for what it is...thus the "oops ring"

I like this!
You can always make the euro into a slim - the tubes are the same except for lengths. Switching the top for the bottom works, too.

I screwed up a Euro this weekend also, and turned it into a slimline. I was very happy to have been able to save all the hard work I put into the herringbone cut blank.
I followed the majority and made it a slim


Sorry for the lousy photo


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